Easy Language Tradestation Numerical Value Expected Here

TradeStation Development Environment

EasyLanguage Verification (Syntax) Error Codes

The following is a list of error codes for possible syntax or compiler errors that may occur when you verify your EasyLanguage document.  The Output pane at the bottom of the TradeStation Station Development Environment is used to display multiple lines of errors, including a short description of the error, the document and line number of the EasyLanguage where the error was triggered, and the error number.  Double clicking on an error line in the Output pane automatically moves the cursor in the code editor to the error location.  To see line numbers in the code editor, use the Tools > Option menu sequence and check the Line Numbers setting.

Be aware that the error may not actually be at the location of the code marker but will often have occurred on a prior EasyLanguage word or line.

1 "Method arguments cannot be used as inputs due to their life time."

2 "Not enough memory."

4 "Custom field name cannot be more than 20 characters."

17 "Historical data not available for server fields."

This error is displayed whenever a bars ago index is used with a server field reserved word since they do not contain historical data values. For example, an attempt to access the AskSize of 3 bars ago generates an error.

Value1 = AskSize[3];

18 "The word "EXTERNAL" expected here."

19 "Property not recognized by EasyLanguage."

35 "Error in token file."

49 "Token version mismatch, do Verify All."

52 "The function referenced has not been saved."

The code editor displays this message when attempting to reference a function that has been created but not verified or saved. In the following example, the assignment of the recently created MyFunction fails because the function itself has not yet been saved.

Value1 = MyFunction;

53 "The Strategy referenced has not been saved.."

This message appears when referencing a strategy that has been created but not verified or saved. In the following example, an error is generated when attempting to include MyStrategy (that has not yet been saved) in the strategy being edited.

IncludeSignal: "MyStrategy:;

55 "This analysis technique cannot be applied because it references historical fundamental data."

61 "Word not recognized by EasyLanguage."

This error is displayed whenever a word is not recognized by the code editor. For example, if it is not an EasyLanguage reserved word; EasyLanguage function, or a declared user defined variable, array, or input name.

62 "Invalid number."

The code editor displays this message whenever it finds a typographical error in a number. For example, if a letter is inserted by mistake in a number, the number will be high lighted and this error will be displayed. An example of an invalid number is 100.b4.

63 "Number out of range."

The code editor displays this error whenever it finds a number that is outside the supported range (a number which is too big). The following statement will produce this error:

Value1 = 99999999999999999999;

64 "Word too long."

65 "Invalid variable name."

The code editor displays this error whenever it finds an invalid name in an variable declaration statement. Variable names cannot start with a number nor any special character other than the underline (_).

For example, this error will be generated when the following statement is verified:

Variable: $MyVariable(0);

66 "Invalid input name."

The code editor will display this error whenever it finds an invalid name in a input declaration statement. Input names cannot start with a number nor any special character other than the underline (_).

For example, this error will be generated when the following statement is verified:

Input: $MyInput(0);

70 "Array size cannot exceed 2-billion elements."

Arrays can have up to 2 billion elements. The number of elements is calculated by multiplying all the dimensions of the array. For example, an array declared using the following statement will have 66 elements:

Array: MyArray[10,5](0);

This arrays will have rows 0 through 10 and columns 0 though 5; in other words, 11 rows and 6 columns. The resulting number from multiplying the dimensions of the array can't exceed 2 billion.

74 "Invalid array name."

The code editor displays this error whenever it finds an invalid name in an array declaration statement. Array names cannot start with a number nor any special character other than the underline (_).

For example, this error will be generated when the following statement is verified:

Array: $MyArray[10](0);

79 "There are more than 65534 legs defined in the Search Strategy."

81 "An internal error occurred due to improper syntax."

90 "The first jump command must be a begin: (\\hb,\\pb,\\wb)"

This error is displayed when the code editor finds an end jump command without a begin jump command in a text string. The end jump commands are:


Before these commands, a begin jump command must be used.

When specifying a file name for the Print() or FileAppend() words, files that start with any of the jump commands will produce this error. So a file name "c:\hello.txt" will produce this error as part of the name \he.

91 "You cannot nest jump commands within other jump commands."

Jump commands are used in commentary-related text string expressions to highlight words, and create links to the on line help. Jump commands cannot be nested; that is, there cannot be multiple starting jump commands without having matching end jump commands.

92 "You must terminate all jump commands with ends (\\he,\\pe,\\we)"

This error is displayed when the code editor finds a begin jump command without a end jump command in a text string. The begin jump commands are:


After these commands, an end jump command must be used.

When specifying a file name for the Print() or FileAppend() words, files that start with any of the jump commands will produce this error. So a file name "c:\hello.txt" will produce this error as part of the name \he.

93 "Illegal break."

This error is displayed when the code editor finds a Break statement outside of a loop structure (For, Until, etc.).

94 "More than one defaultcase."

The code editor generates this error when more than one Default statement appears in a Switch statement. For example, the following creates an error.

Switch (value1)
Case 2: value2 = 0;
Default: value2 = 1;
Default: value2 = 2;

95 "Case or DefaultCase expected here."

This error is displayed when there are no Case or Default clauses in a Switch statement, such as in following example:

Switch (value1)

97 "Case value already used."

An error is generated when attempting to declare two Case clauses using the same value in a Switch statement. In following example, both Case clauses are testing for a value of 2, causing an error:

Switch (value1)
Case 2: value2 = 0;
Case 2: value2 = 1;

98 Illegal continue."

This error is displayed when the code editor finds a Continue statement outside of a loop structure (For, Until, etc.).

99 "UNTIL expected here."

An error message is generated when aRepeat statement is not terminated with a valid Until statement, as in the following example:

  Value1 = Value1 + 1;

107 "Expression returning a primitive data type expected here (eg. int, double, etc)."

151 "This word has already been defined."

User defined words (such as variables, arrays, and inputs) need to have unique names. This error is generated when a user defined word is defined more than once, such as in the following example:

Input: vac(10);
: vac(0);

152 "The word END was expected before end file."

154 "=, <>, >, >=, <, <= expected here."

This error is displayed when the code editor evaluates complex true/false expressions and it finds an error within the expression.

Condition1 = Condition2 = Close;

The intention of this statement was to assign a complex true-false value to the variable Condition1, by using Condition2 and a comparison that involves the Close . A corrected version would look like this:

Condition1 = Condition2 AND Open = Close;

155 " '(' expected here."

The left parenthesis was expected before the highlighted word; for example, if you are us ing a function that requires parameters, and no parameters are listed.

Value1 = Average + 10;

In this example, the highlight signifies that a parenthesis was expected before the '+' sign.

156 " ')' expected here."

157 "Arithmetic (numeric) expression expected here."

This error is displayed whenever the code editor is expecting a number or a numeric expression and it finds a true-false expression, string value, or any other keyword that does not return a numeric expression. For example, the Average() function expects two numeric expressions, so the following:

Value1 = Average(Condition1, 10);

generates an error since Condition1 is a true-false expression.

158 "An equal sign '=' expected here."              **

This error is displayed if the equal sign is omitted when assigning a value to a variable, array, or function (writing an assignment statement).

For example, the following statement will cause an error:

Value1 10;

and would be corrected by adding an equal sign, as in:

Value1 = 10;

159 "This word cannot start a statement."

Not all words can be used to start a statement. For example, the data word Close cannot be used to start a statement. Usually, reserved words that generate some action are used to start statements such as Buy , Plot1 , or If-Then .

160 "Semicolon (;) expected here."

All EasyLanguage statements must end with a semicolon. Whenever the code editor finds a word or expression that can be interpreted as a new line, it will place the cursor before this expression and show this error. For example, the following statements will produce this error:

Value1 = Close + Open |

Buy Next Bar at Value1 Stop ;

Given that the word Buy is always used at the beginning of a statement to place a trading order, a semicolon is required after the Open .

161 "The word THEN must follow an If condition."

his error is displayed whenever the word Then is omitted from a If-Then statement. The word Then must always follow the condition of the If-Then statement. The correct syntax for an If-Then statement is:

If Condition1 Then {any operation}

162 "STOP, LIMIT, CONTRACTS, SHARES expected here."

This error is displayed by the code editor if it finds a numeric expression following a trading verb without including one of the words listed above. A numeric expression can be used in a trading order to determine the number of shares (or contracts) and/or to spec ify the price of the stop or limit order. For example:

Buy Next Bar at Low - Range;

is incorrect because it does not include a trading verb after the price Range . To be correct, you could add the word Stop or Limit , as in:

Buy Next Bar at Low - Range Stop;

163 "The word TO or DOWNTO was expected here."

This error is displayed whenever writing a For loop and the word To or DownTo is omitted. The correct syntax for a For loop is:

For Value1 = 1 To 10 Begin


164 "A numeric variable was expected here."

165 "The word BAR or BARS expected here."

This error is displayed whenever referencing to a value of a previous bar where the word Bar is omitted. For example, the following statement will cause this error:

Value1 = Close of 10 Ago;

The correct syntax is:

Value1 = Close of 10 Bars Ago;

166 "The word AGO expected here."

This error is displayed when the code editor finds a reference to any expression for a number of bars ago without using the phrase Bars Ago. For example:

Value1 = Close of 10 Bars;

produces this error because the word Ago is missing. The correct syntax for this expression is:

Value1 = Close of 10 Bars Ago;

167 " '}' was expected before end of file."

In order to add comments to your EasyLanguage, it is necessary to enclose the commentary text in the curly braces '{' and '}'. An error message is displayed when a left curly brace is found without a matching right curly brace.

{ this was written by Trader Joe
If Close > Highest(High, 10)[1] Then
 Buy Next Bar at Market;

Above, the right curly brace was omitted somewhere before the vertical cursor. In this ex ample a right curly brace should have been placed after the word ' Joe '.

168 " '[' was expected here."

When declaring, assigning, or referencing array values you are required to use the squared braces to specify the array element(s). This error is displayed if the left squared brace is not used when working with an array.

Array: MyArray(10);

For example, here the highlight shows that a squared brace, corresponding to the declared number of array element, is expected before the parenthesis.

169 "']' was expected here."            **

When working with bar offsets or arrays, the bar or array index must be enclosed in squared braces. This message is displayed if the right squared brace is missing.

Value1 = Close[10 * 1.05;

In this example, the highlight indicates that a squared bracket should be placed somewhere before the semicolon. Note that since the code editor is expecting a numeric value in the squared braces, it places the highlight after the last character in a numeric expression. However, in this case, the right bracket was probably intended to be placed after the num ber 10.

170 "Assignment to a function not allowed."

This error is displayed when you attempt to assign a value to a function. By definition, a function is an EasyLanguage procedure that returns a value, so it is not possible to assign a different value to a function (except when returning a value from within a function).

Average = 100.1245;

In this example, the highlighted function name indicates that you cannot assign it a value.

171 "A value was never assigned to user function."

By definition, a function is a set of statements that return a value. This error will be dis played when editing or creating a function and the code editor finds that no value has been assigned to the function. A statement similar to the following must be included in every function:

MyFunction = Value;

where MyFunction is the name of the function and Value is the expression to be returned when the function is referenced.


When declaring the inputs in a function it is necessary to specify the type of each input. This error is generated when any word or value, other than a valid input type, is used when declaring function inputs.

174 "Function not verified."

In order for an analysis technique to verify, all functions used by the analysis technique must be verified as well. This error is displayed if there is a function that is not verified and you attempt to verify the analysis technique.

In order to solve this, open the function and verify it, or run "Verify All" from the code editor menu.

175 " ',' or ')' expected here."

This error is displayed when listing a number of elements in parentheses and a semicolon is read before the list is finished.

Value1 = Average(Close, 10;

In this case, the highlight indicates that either more parameters (separated by a comma) or a right parenthesis were expected before the semicolon.

176 "More inputs expected here."

This error is displayed whenever referencing a function or an included strategy without specifying enough inputs. For example:

Value1 = Average(Close);

displays an error because only one input is specified while the Average function requires two inputs: 1) the price to be averaged and 2) the number of bars.

177 "Too many inputs supplied."

The code editor displays this error when too many inputs are supplied for a function. For example, the Average function requires only two inputs, so the following statement will produce this error:

Value1 = Average ( Close , 10 , 5);

The correct syntax would be

Value1 = Average ( Close , 10);

178 "A number expected here."

180 "The word #END was expected before end of file."

The compiler directive #END must be used to indicate the end of a group of statements included in the alert or commentary only section of an analysis technique. The alert and commentary compiler directives will allow certain instructions to be executed only when the alert or commentary is enabled.

181 "There can only be 10 dimensions in an array."

Arrays can have up to 10 dimensions. The correct syntax for creating a multi-dimensional array is:

Array : MyArray [10,10,10](0);

where this statement creates a three dimensional array of 11x11x11

183 "More than 100 errors. Verify termination."                       **

When the code editor is verifying a document for correctness, it will continue to evaluate expressions until it finds 100 errors. These errors will be found in the Verify tab of the EasyLanguage Output Bar once the verification process is finished. If the code editor finds more than 100 errors it will stop the process and will display this message.

185 "Either HIGHER or LOWER expected here."

When specifying the execution instructions for an order in a strategy, it is possible to use the words or Higher and or Lower as synonyms to stop and limit. This error occurs when the word or is found in an order without the words Higher or Lower. The following is the proper syntax for this statement:

Buy Next Bar at Low - Range or Lower ;

186 "Input name too long."

Input names in any code editor analysis technique can be up to 20 characters long. This error is displayed by the code editor whenever an input has a name that has more than 20 characters.

187 "Variable name too long."

Variable names can have up to twenty characters. This error is displayed whenever a vari able is declared with a name that contains more than twenty characters.

188 "The word BEGIN expected here."

This error is generated whenever the code editor is expecting a block statement. For ex ample, all loops require Begin and End block statements, so writing the following will generate this error:

For Value1 = 1 To 10
 Value10 = Value10 + Volume[Value1];

The correct syntax is:

For Value1 = 1 To 10 Begin
Value10 = Value10 + Volume [ Value1 ];

189 "This word not allowed in a strategy."

The word highlighted by the code editor is not allowed in a strategy. Words like Plot1, TheoreticalValue, ModelVolatility, and so on, are not allowed in strategies.

190 "This word not allowed in a function."

The word highlighted by the code editor is not allowed in a function. Words like Plot1, Buy, Sell, and so on, are not allowed in functions.

191 "This word not allowed in a study."

The word highlighted by the code editor is not allowed in a study. Words like Plot1, Buy, Sell, and so on, are not allowed in studies.

192 "This word not allowed in an ActivityBar."

The word highlighted by the code editor is not allowed in an ActivityBar study. Words like Plot1, Buy, Sell, and so on, are not allowed in ActivityBar studies.

193 "Comma (,) expected here."

Commas are used to separate elements in a list; for example when declaring multiple in puts or variables, or when listing the parameters of a function.

This error will be generated whenever the code editor finds two words, that seem to be part of the list, which are not separated by a comma. For example, in the following:

Inputs: Price(Close) | Length(10);

the comma after the first input is missing. The code editor places the vertical cursor at the location where it was expecting a comma.

194 "Plot name expected here."

195 "Matching quote is missing."

All text string expressions need to be within double quotes. This error will be displayed whenever there are not matching quotes around a text string expression. For example, the following statement will produce this error:

Variable: Txt(" ");
Txt = "This is an example";

because there is a missing quote to the right of the text expression. The correct syntax for this expression is:

Variable: Txt(" ");
Txt = "This is an example";

196 "The word not allowed here."

197 "Strategy not verified."

In order for a trading strategy to verify, any strategies referenced by the trading strategy through the use of the IncludeSignal reserved word must be verified as well. This error is displayed if you attempt to verify a trading strategy that references an unverified strategy.

In order to solve this, open the referenced strategy and verify it, or run "Verify All" from the
code editor menu.

198 "Study not verified."

199 "ActivityBar not verfified"

200 "Error found in function."

This error is displayed whenever verifying an analysis technique that refers to an unveri fied function. The only solution is to open the function, verify the function, and then return to the analysis technique.

201 "User function cannot refer to current cell of itself."

A simple function cannot refer to the same value of a function within its calculations. However, if defined as a series function, it can refer to a previous value of itself. For ex ample, the following simple function gives an error:

MyFunction = MyFunction + Volume;

because the calculation refers to the current value of the function. By setting the function Parameter to "Series", the following becomes a valid expression that uses a function's previous value to accumulate the volume of the chart:

MyFunction = MyFunction[1] + Volume;

204 "Orders cannot be inside a loop."

EasyLanguage does not allow trading orders to be placed inside a For or While loop. If the intention of placing an order inside a loop is to increase the number of shares or contracts that the strategy will handle, this can still be done by placing the calculation of the number of shares or contracts inside a loop and then using the resulting value in the order instruc tion after the loop is finished. For example,

While Condition1 Begin
= {calculation of number of shares};


Value1 Shares Next Bar at Market;

205 "Statement does not return a value."

This error is displayed when attempting to return a value from statements not designed to return a value, such as those that set or change a value. For example:

Value1 = AB_SetZone(High, Low, RightSide);

To correct this error, do not assign the expression to a variable:

AB_SetZone(High, Low, RightSide);

208 "CONTRACTS, SHARES expected here."

When writing an EasyLanguage statement to place an order, it is possible to specify how many contracts or shares the signal should use to open (or exit) the position. This error will be generated by the code editor whenever it finds a numeric expression after the trading verb that is not followed by the words Stop, Limit, or Higher, or or Lower. For example:

Buy 100;

generates an error because it is not clear if '100' is a part of the instructions to specify the number of shares or the execution instruction (the price at which the order should be placed). A correct statement might read:

Buy 100 Shares;

209 "Signal name expected within quotes."

When specifying the name of an order, it must be enclosed within parentheses and double quotes. This error is displayed if the name is missing or not correctly provided. For exam ple, the following statement will cause this error:

Sell From Entry ( ) Next Bar at Market;

213 "Error found in strategy."

This error is displayed whenever verifying a strategy that contains the IncludeSignal re served word which references a strategy that is not verified. The only solution is to open the unverified strategy, verify it, and then return to the original strategy.

214 "Colon (:) expected here."

EasyLanguage expects a colon to be used when declaring certain elements of the language like inputs, variables, arrays, and DLLs. In order to declare a new input, the word input should be followed by a colon, and then the list of input names. This error will be dis played whenever the colon is missing from this expression, for example:

Input MyValue(10);

Since there is no colon after the word ' Input ', the word MyValue is highlighted and this error message is displayed. To correct the error, simply add a colon after ' Input ':

Input : MyValue(10);

215 "Cannot use next bar's price and close order in the same strategy."

EasyLanguage does not support using information from the next bar (the Date , Time , or Open ) and placing an order at the close of the current bar in the same strategy.

The following produces an error because it includes a reference to the Open of Next Bar with a Close order for This Bar (current bar):

If Open of Next Bar > Price Then Buy This Bar on Close;

217 "Function circular reference found."             **

A circular reference is defined as two formulas that refer to each other in their respective calculations. This type of formula cannot be solved by EasyLanguage, so whenever a cir cular reference is found this error is displayed.

For example, a circular reference can happen if you have a function A, which is defined as the value of the current bar of a function B plus 1, and the definition of the function B is the value of the current bar of A plus 1. In order to calculate the value of function A, the value of B is needed, but in order to calculate B, the value of A is needed. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain the values of these functions and this error occurs.

219 "Function name already defined."

220 "Cannot anchor a global exit."

The price date of the bar where an entry order was placed can be accessed from an exit by using At$ . This is only allowed when the entry order has a label and if the exit is tied to the entry. An error will be generated if the entry is not labeled or if the exit does not specify what entry it is attempting to close. For example, the following exit will cause this error:

If Condition1 Then
 Buy ("MyEntry") This Bar on Close;
Sell At$
Low - 1 Stop;

since the exit does not specify the name of a matching entry. The correct syntax is:

If Condition1 Then
Buy ("MyEntry") This Bar on Close;
Sell From Entry
("MyEntry") At$ Low - 1 Stop;

223 "A simple function cannot call itself."             **

Historical values of simple functions are not available to EasyLanguage, so referring to previous values of itself in its calculations is not allowed. If this is necessary, change the function to a series.

MyFunction = MyFunction[1] + Volume;

For example, if MyFunction is a simple function, the above reference to the value of MyFunction of one bar ago is not allowed in this calculation.

224 "Signal name already used."

The code editor does not allow the reuse of a name in two different orders. It is manda tory that all orders have a different name. The following Sell statement produces this error:

If Condition1 Then
Buy (" MySignal ") Next Bar at Market ;

If Condition2 Then
Sell ( "MySignal" ) Next Bar at Market ;

because both orders cannot have the same name.

226 "Next bar's prices can only be used in a strategy."

The Open , Date and Time of the next bar can only be referenced from a strategy; no other analysis has access to this information.

227 "Default expected here."

When declaring an input in any analysis technique, you need to enclose the default value in parentheses. This error will be shown whenever there is no default value specified (the parentheses are empty). For example, the following is the correct syntax for declaring an input with the default value of 15:

Input : MyInput(15);

228 "Invalid expression."

229 "Invalid initial value."

An initial value needs to be specified when declaring a variable or array. This initial value needs to be enclosed by parentheses and is used to 1) determine the type of the variable or array (numeric, true-false, or text string), and 2) assign the initial value of the variable or array on the first bar.

The correct syntax when declaring a variable is:

Variable: MyVariable(10);

where the initial value assigned to this variable is 10, which is a numeric value.

230 "Initial value expected here."

An initial value needs to be specified when declaring a variable or array. This initial value needs to be enclosed by parentheses and is used to 1) determine the type of the variable or array (numeric, true-false, or text string), and 2) assign the initial value of the variable or array on the first bar.

The correct syntax when declaring a variable is:

Variable: MyVariable(10);

where the initial value assigned to this variable is 10, which is a numeric value.

231 "Function has no inputs. Parenthesis not needed."

This error is shown by the code editor when parentheses are used for a function which has no inputs. For example, the EasyLanguage function Range has no inputs, so the fol lowing statement:

Value1 = Range(10);

displays the error message and highlights the first parenthesis before the parameter.

232 "Matching left comment brace '{' is missing."

The code editor displays this error whenever it finds a right comment brace "}" without a matching left comment brace. In order to fix this, find the beginning of the comment text and place a left comment brace before it. If there is no comment in your analysis technique, then remove the right comment brace.

233 "Extra right parenthesis."

When writing any type of expression or statement that requires parentheses, it is necessary to have matching left and right parentheses. This error is displayed if there are extra right parentheses in the expression being evaluated. For example:

Value1 = (Close + Open))/2

234 "END found without matching BEGIN."

This error is displayed whenever a block statement does not contain a matching End for every Begin .

235 "Function must return a value."

236 "Server field name expected here."

237 "Position Information function not allowed in a study."

Strategy position information words can only be used in strategies and functions. This error will be generated if any one of these words are found in anything other than a strategy or function.

238 "Performance Information function not allowed in a study."

Strategy performance information words can only be used in strategies and functions. This error will be generated if any one of these words are found in anything other than a strategy or function.

239 "Array name too long."              **

Array names can have up to 20 characters. An error message will be displayed if the array name used in the declaration statement has more than 20 characters.

240 "This signal name does not exist."

This error is displayed whenever tying an exit to a non-existent entry name. For example, the following signal produces this error:

Buy ("Break") Next Bar at Highest(High, 10) Stop;
Sell From Entry
("Breakout") Next Bar at Low Stop;

because the exit incorrectly refers to an entry labeled "BreakOut" which does not exist in this signal. Changing the entry name to "Break" will correct this error.

241 "Cannot exit from an exit signal."

This error is displayed when an exit signal is mistakenly tied to another exit signal. Exit signals can only be tied to an entry through the use of the instruction from Entry (" entry name "). For example, the following statements will generate this error:

If Condition1 Then
Buy (" MyEntry ") This Bar at Close ;

If Condition2 Then
Sell (" MyExit ") This Bar at Close ;

Sell from Entry ( "MyExit" ) Next Bar at Lowest ( Low , 10) Stop ;

Instead, the following statements are correct:

If Condition1 Then
Buy (" MyEntry ") This Bar at Close ;

If Condition2 Then
Sell (" MyExit ") This Bar at Close ;

Sell from Entry (" MyEntry ") Next Bar at Lowest ( Low , 10) Stop ;

242 "Cannot exitshort from a buy signal."

This error will be displayed when a short exit signal is tied mistakenly to a long entry signal. Short exit signals can be tied only to a short entry through the use of the instruction from Entry (" entry name "). For example, the following statements will generate this error:

If Condition1 Then
Buy (" MyEntry ") This Bar at Close ;

BuyToCover from Entry ( "MyEntry" ) Next Bar at Lowest ( Low , 10) Stop ;

In this case, the error can be corrected by using the appropriate exit instruction, ExitLong :

If Condition1 Then
Buy (" MyEntry ") This Bar at Close ;

Sell from Entry (" MyEntry ") Next Bar at Lowest ( Low , 10) Stop ;

243 "Cannot exitlong from a sell signal."

This error will be displayed when an long exit signal is tied mistakenly to a short entry signal. Long exit signals can be tied only to a long entry through the use of the instruction from Entry (" entry name "). For example, the following statements will generate this error:

If Condition1 Then
Sell (" MyEntry ") This Bar at Close ;

BuyToCover from Entry ( "MyEntry" ) Next Bar at Low Stop ;

In this case, the error can be corrected by using the appropriate exit instruction, ExitShort :

If Condition1 Then
Sell (" MyEntry ") This Bar at Close ;

BuyToCover from Entry (" MyEntry ") Next Bar at Low Stop ;

244 "At$ cannot be used after the word TOTAL."

EasyLanguage does not allow the reserved word Total to be tied to reference information from the bar of entry by using the AT$ instruction. For example, the following statement will generate this error:

BuyToCover 20 Shares Total From Entry ("MyEntry") At$ Low Stop;

245 "The word only allowed in an exit."

247 "References to previous values are not allowed in simple functions."

Prior values of simple functions, simple variables, or simple expressions cannot be refer enced from within simple functions. If this is necessary for the calculation of a function then the function must be set as series, not simple. This incorrect example:

MyFunction = MyFunction[1] + Close;

creates an error if MyFunction is a simple function with a reference to previous values of itself. Setting the function Properties to "Series" will correct this error.

248 "Either PUT, CALL, ASSETTYPE, or FUTURETYPE expected here."

This error is displayed when creating a leg in a Position Search strategy through the CreateLeg keyword without specifying the appropriate leg type. The proper syntax for this statement is:

CreateLeg(5, Call);

which creates a leg that consists of buying 5 calls.

249 "A Price, Variable, Function, Input expected."

250 "Cannot reference a previous value of a simple input."

Historical values of simple inputs in functions are not stored by EasyLanguage, so refer ring to previous values of them is not allowed. For example, in the following:

Input: MyVal(NumericSimple);
= MyVal[5];

the value MyVal[5] is not allowed in this function since it includes a reference to the value of the input of five bars ago but is declared as a NumericSimple input. If the reference to a previous value is necessary, change the input type to series.

251 "Variables and arrays not allowed here."                 **

In previous product versions, prior to 2000i, this error is displayed when attempting to pass variables or arrays to series functions.

Value2 = Average(Close, Value1);

253 "Cannot reference a previous value of this input."

Historical values of simple inputs in functions are not stored by EasyLanguage, so refer ring to previous values of them is not allowed. For example, in the following:

Input: MyVal(NumericSimple);
= MyVal[5];

the value MyVal[5] is not allowed in this function since it includes a reference to the value of the input of five bars ago but is declared as a NumericSimple input. If the reference to a previous value is necessary, change the input type to series.

254 "Series input not allowed here."

255 "This number must be within 1..50."

256 "DATA expected here."

257 "Unresolvable Data Number."

258 "Variables, arrays and inputs not allowed here."

This error is displayed when a variable, array, or input is used to initialize an input value, such as:

Variable: MyVar(3);
: MyInput(MyVar);

259 "This number is too big."

260 " 'Next Bar' can only be applied to 'OPEN', 'DATE' and 'TIME'."

The only prices available from the next bar that can be read from a strategy are Open , Date and Time . All other prices from the next bar can't be accessed.

261 "The word 'BAR' expected here."

This error is shown whenever writing an order in a strategy where the word Bar is left out of the expression. For example, the following:

Buy Next on the Close;

generates an error because Bar is missing. The correct syntax is:

Buy Next Bar on the Close;

262 "At market order can only be placed for the next bar."

All analysis techniques are read and executed at the end of each bar. Because of this, mar ket orders can only be placed for the next bar. An error will be generated whenever a mar ket order is placed to be filled on this bar, such as:

Buy This Bar at Market;

263 "Stop and limit orders can only be placed for the next bar."

This error is displayed when trying to write a stop or limit order for the current bar. For example:

Buy This Bar at Low - Range Limit;

is not correct because a Limit order cannot be placed on This Bar . To be correct, the Limit order must be on the Next Bar :

Buy Next Bar at Low - Range Limit;

264 "On close order must be placed for this bar."

Given that all instructions are read at the close of each bar, the only types of orders that can be placed on the current bar are at the close. Whenever This Bar is included as part of an order it may only refer to the at Close price. The correct syntax for This Bar orders is:

Buy This Bar at Close;

265 "Cannot mix next bar prices with data streams other than data1."

EasyLanguage prohibits the reference of secondary data streams in the same strategy where references to the Open , Date and Time of the next price are also made. If the references to a secondary data stream and the next bar prices are not directly related, it is recommended that you write two strategies, one that uses next bar prices and a second that references other data streams.

For example, the following statements included in one strategy are not allowed because they reference two different data streams ( Data1 by default is the first and Data2 in the sec ond):

If Open Next Bar > High Then
SellShort Next Bar
at Open Next Bar + Range Limit ;

If Average ( Close , 4) of Data2 < Average ( Close , 7) of Data2 Then
BuyToCover Next Bar
at Close ;

266 "Library name within double quotes expected here."

The code editor displays this error when defining an external DLL function and the name of the DLL is missing or incorrect. The first element of the list of parameters in the DefineDLLFunc statement should be the name of the DLL library within double quotes. The following statement will generate this error:

DefineDLLFunc: int, "MyFunc", int;

The correct syntax for this statement is:

DefineDLLFunc: "MyDLL.dll", int, "MyFunc", int;

267 "DLL function name within double quotes expected here."

When defining a function from a DLL, the name of the DLL must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, the following is a proper example of such a function definition be cause it includes the function name "user.dll" followed by DLL's return type and param eters:

DefineDLLFunc: "user.dll", int, "beep";

268 "DLL function return type specifier expected."

269 "The word 'INT' or 'LONG' expected here."

270 "Data type specifier expected here."

271 "Data type mismatch."

273 "Return type for this DLL function does not match the header."

When declaring a DLL function, the return type of the function must be the second param eter listed. Following is a correct DLL function declaration statement with the DLL's type int following the DLL name:

DefineDLLFunc: "MyDLL.dll", int, "MyFunction", int;

274 "One of the inputs of this analysis technique has a syntactically incorrect expression."

275 "Invalid pointer operation."

276 "DLL name cannot be longer than 60 characters."

The name of the DLL used to define any function through the DefineDLLFunc statement cannot exceed 60 characters.

277 "DLL function name cannot be longer than 65 characters."

The name of a function defined using the DefineDLLFunc statement cannot exceed 65 characters.

278 "A variable expected here."

Whenever the code editor expects a variable and finds another reserved or user defined word, it will highlight the unexpected word and give this message. An example is when a function is expecting a variable as one of the parameters (because it is expecting to receive the variable by reference).

279 "An array expected here."

Functions can now receive arrays as parameters. If a function is expecting an array and instead the code editor finds a variable, input, or other reserved word (different than an array), it will display this error. In the following example the function Average_a() calcu lates the average of a particular array, so the following will generate the syntax error:

Variable: MyVar(0);
Value1 = Average_a(MyVar, 10);

To correct this problem, you need declare MyVar as an array instead of an integer. It should be written:

Array: MyArray[20](0);
Value1 = Average_a(MyArray, 10);

280 "TrueFalse expression expected here."

This error is displayed when the code editor expects a true/false expression and finds a numeric or text string expression instead. For example:

Condition1 = High;

281 "Mixing data types (NUMERIC, TrueFalse, String) not allowed."

This error appears when incompatible data types are combined in a single expression.

In this example:

Value1 = 100 + "12";

the text string " 12 " cannot be directly combined with a numeric value. To resolve such a problem, use the appropriate EasyLanguage reserved word to convert the data to a com patible type.

For example, use the function StrToNum to convert the text string to a numeric value:

Value1 = 100 + StrToNum ("12") ;

282 "Strategy name within double quotes expected here."

283 "Signal has no inputs. Comma not needed."

When including a strategy through the IncludeSignal keyword, the list of the inputs must be supplied and each input must be separated by a comma. This error is displayed if the strategy has no inputs, and an input is mistakenly included in the statement.

Following is the correct syntax of an IncludeSignal statement of a strategy with no inputs:

IncludeSignal : " My Trailing LX ";

284 "There is no such strategy."

This error is displayed by the code editor whenever the strategy name referenced by an
statement does not exist in the Strategy Library.

285 "Strategy circular reference found."

A circular reference is defined as two formulas that refer to each other's current bar value in their respective calculations. This type of formula cannot be solved by EasyLanguage, so whenever a circular reference is found this error is displayed.

286 "Cannot divide by zero."

This error will be displayed when dividing any numerical expression by the literal number 0. So when the following is written:

Value1 = 25 / 0;

the code editor will generate a syntax error because dividing by zero is a mathematical indetermination and cannot be solved.

287 "File name expected here."           **

This error is displayed when using the Print statement to send information to the printer, and an invalid file name is used for the file name. The file name should be specified as text between double quotes. Note that a text string expression will not be accepted as a file name in the Print statement. For example, the code editor will display this error when evaluating the following statement:

Print(File(Value1), Date, Time, Close);

The file name needs to be text included in double quotes; for example:

Print(File("c:\tradestation\test.txt"), Date, Time, Close);

288 "A file or directory name must be <260 characters and may not contain "/ : * ? < > |"."

Certain instructions like the Print () and FileAppend () statements require a file name. The file name needs to be less than 260 characters long and cannot have any of the characters listed in the error label. For example, this error will be displayed when writing:

Print(File("c:\data?.txt"), Date, Time, Close);

since the '?' character is not a valid character and cannot be used as part of a file name.

289 "Functions sharing same name must have same number of inputs."

290 "Functions sharing same name must have same types of inputs."

291 "The word 'OVER' or 'UNDER' expected here."

This error is displayed whenever using the word Cross without Over or Under when writ ing a true-false expression. For example, the following expression will produce this error:

Condition1 = Close Crosses Open;

The correct syntax would be:

Condition1 = Close Crosses Over Open;

292 "Two constants cannot cross over each other."

The code editor displays this error whenever using the logical operators Crosses Over or Crosses Under compares two constants. Since they are constants, they will never cross each other and the statement will display an error, as in:

Condition1 = 10 Crosses Over 15;

293 "This plot has been defined using a different name."

The value of a plot can be assigned more than once within an analysis technique but it must always be referenced using the same name (or the name can be left out). For example, the following statement will cause this error:

Plot1( Volume, "Vol" );

If Volume > 1000000 Then
Plot1(Volume, "V", Red);

because the plot has been assigned a second name " V ". The correct way of writing this statement is:

Plot1( Volume, "Vol" );

If Volume > 1000000 Then
Plot1(Volume, "Vol", Red);

294 "This plot name has been used by more than one plot."

295 "This plot name has never been defined"

296 "This plot has never been assigned a value."

This error is generated when referring to the value of a plot that has not been previously defined in the analysis technique. For example, the following statements will produce this error:

Plot1( Average(Close,10) );
If Plot1 Crosses Over
Plot2 Then

because Plot2 has not been defined.

297 "Server field name too long; cannot be more than 30 characters."

Server Quote fields can be up to 30 characters long. This error will be generated whenever a server field with a name that has more than 30 characters is used.

298 "Strategy Information (for plots) function not allowed in a strategy."

None of the "Strategy Information for plots" words can be used within a strategy. These words are designed to be used in other analysis techniques to refer to overall performance of the strategy. However, there are strategy-specific words that can be used from the strat egy to refer to these figures.

These words are:






299 "Strategy Information function not allowed in a study."

Strategy information words (other than the strategy information for plots) can only be used in trading strategies and functions. These words, which are listed in the EasyLanguage Dic tionary under the categories Strategy Performance and Strategy Position , can only be used when writing trading strategies and functions.

300 "This plot has been defined with a different type."

The value of a plot can be assigned more than once but it must always be of the same type. Plot statements can display numeric, true-false, and string expressions, but they cannot change types within an analysis technique. For example, the following pair of Plot state ments are not allowed in an analysis technique because they include different data types, where the first plot is a text string and the second a true-false value:

Plot1 ( " This is a text string ");

If Condition1 Then
Plot1 ( Condition1 );

301 "Either an '=', ';', or '(' expected here."

302 "Different number of dimensions specified in the array than the parameter."

This error is shown when an array is passed into a function with the wrong number of di mensions. For example, this error will be generated if a function is expecting a single di mension array but is sent an array with two dimensions instead.

303 "Extraneous text is not allowed after the array-type parameter"

When passing an array into a function, only the array name should be used. This error is displayed whenever any text, words, or braces are added after the array name that is passed to a function. For example:

Array: MyArray[10](0);
= Average_a(MyArray[0], 10);

the [ will be highlighted because an array index appears after the array name. The correct syntax would be:

Array: MyArray[10](0);
= Average_a(MyArray, 10);

304 "Numeric-Array Parameter expected here."            **

Functions can receive arrays as parameters. If a function is expecting an array, any other type of parameter (variable, input, or reserved word) will display this error. In the follow ing example:

Variable: MyVar(0);
= Average_a(MyVar, 10);

the function Average_a () requires an array on which to calculate an average and displays this error because MyVar is not an array.

Instead, you can write:

Array: MyArray[10](0);
= Average_a(MyArray, 10);

305 "TrueFalse-Array Parameter expected here."

Functions can now receive arrays as parameters. If a function is expecting a true-false ar ray and, instead, the code editor finds a variable, input, or other reserved word (different than a true-false array), it will display this error. For example, a function MyTrueFalse_a() that correctly uses true-false arrays would be written as follows:

Array : MyArray [20]( False );
: MyTF ( False );

MyTF = MyTruefalse_a ( MyArray , 10);

306 "String Array Parameter expected here."

Functions can now receive arrays as parameters. If a function is expecting an array of text strings and, instead, the code editor finds a variable, input, or other reserved word (dif ferent than an array of text strings) it will display this error. For example, a function Average_a (), which combines all the text strings that are in an array into one, should be used as follows:

Array: MyArray[20](" ");
: MyText(" ");
= Average_a (MyArray, 10);

307 "The word 'Cancel' must be followed by 'Alert'."

Whenever canceling a previously enabled alert, the statement Cancel Alert needs to be used. This error is displayed whenever using the word Cancel without the word Alert .

308 "A data alias (POSITION) was expected here."

309 "This word not allowed in a Search Strategy."

310 "This word not allowed in a Pricing Model."

311 "The words 'Future' or 'Option' may not be numbered in a Pricing Model."

312 "This word not allowed in a Volatility Model."

313 "This word not allowed in a Bid/Ask Model."

314 "This word is only allowed in ActivityBar studies."

315 "This value can only be assigned in a Volatility Model."

316 "This value can only be assigned in a Bid/Ask Model."

317 "This value can only be assigned in a Pricing Model."

318 "A data alias (POSITION or MODELPOSITION) expected here."

319 "A data alias (OPTION or LEG) expected here."

320 "A data alias (ASSET or LEG) expected here."

321 "A data alias (OPTION) expected here."

322 "A data alias (ASSET) expected here."

323 "'Value-type inputs' may not be passed into 'reference-type inputs'."

Functions can receive array and variable parameters by reference or by value. However, if a function receives a variable or array by value, it is not possible to pass the parameter to a second function by reference. If an input of a function needs to be passed by reference to another function, it must also be declared as a reference input.

324 "A data alias (LEG) expected here."

325 "Only an array, variable, or reference-input is allowed here"

Functions can receive arrays as parameters. If a function is expecting an array, any other type of parameter (variable, input, or reserved word) will display this error. In the follow ing example:

Variable: MyVar(0);
= Average_a(MyVar, 10);

the function Average_a () requires an array on which to calculate an average and displays this error because MyVar is not an array.

Instead, you can write:

Array: MyArray[20](0);
= Average_a( MyArray, 10);

330 "Close-type orders must specify "This Bar"."

331 "Market, Stop, and Limit orders must specify "Next Bar"."

332 "Order must explicitely specify "This Bar" or "Next Bar" here."

340 "This word is only allowed when defining array-type inputs."

This error is displayed when creating a function input using any input-type (such as NumericArray , NumericArrayref ) without fully qualifying the input with braces. For example, this creates an error:

Input : MyInput( StringArrayRef );

because it does not include the array length parameter in brackets after the array name. The correct syntax would be:

Input : MyInput[n]( StringArrayRef );


When declaring inputs that are meant to receive an array, one of the above words are ex pected as the input type. For example, this error will be displayed when declaring an input for a function using the following statement:

Input : MyArray[M, N]( Numeric );

since the reserved word Numeric is not valid for declaring arrays. However, the following will verify successfully:

Input : MyArray[M, N]( NumericArray );

342 "This word can only be used in a PaintBar study."

This error occurs when you use the reserved word PlotPaintBar when writing anything other than a PaintBar study.

343 "Only assignment, call can be used as a statement."

350 "Defining an array based on Data1 may cause a crash if applied on a single-data chart."

351 "Defining a variable based on Data1 may cause a crash if applied on a single-data chart."

396 "This statement cannot specify an odd number of plots."

This error is displayed when using the PlotPaintBar statement and specifying an odd num ber of plots. There are two possible uses for this statement, either specifying only a high and low value, or specifying high, low, open, and close markers. The correct syntax for the PlotPaintBar statement follows:

PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "PB");


PlotPaintBar(High, Low, Open, Close, "PB");

400 "True/False input expected:\r\nThis input must be an expression that evaluates to true or false\r\n(i.e. High > High[1]) or be either the word TRUE or FALSE."

401 "Numeric input expected:\r\nThis input must be a number (i.e. 18,-5,2.5) or be an expression\r\nthat evaluates to a number (i.e. DailyClose + DailyOpen / 2)."

402 "String input expected:\r\nThis input must be enclosed in quotation marks (i.e. "Yes") or be an\r\nexpression that returns a string."

403 "Cannot implicitly convert String to Numerical"          **

Whenever the code editor expects a numerical expression, and, instead, finds a text string expression, it will highlight the text string expression and display this message.

For example, the following statement will produce this error:

Variable: MyNumber("55");
= Close + MyNumber;

Instead, the following expression accomplishes the expected result because it first uses the keyword StrToNum () to convert a text string expression to a numeric value:

Variable: MyNumber("55");
= Close + StrToNum(MyNumber);

404 "Cannot implicitly convert String to TrueFalse"

Whenever the code editor expects a true-false expression and, instead, finds a text string expression, it will highlight the text string expression and will display this message.

For example, the following statement will produce the error:

Input: Text1("Yes"), Text2("No");
= Text1;

because the input "Text1" was declared as a text value and cannot be assigned the true-false variable Condition1 . Instead, the following statement is correct:

Input: Text1("Yes"), Text2("No");
= (Text1 = Text2);

Notice that while both Text1 and Text2 are string values, the result of the comparison is a true-false value which is properly assigned to a true-false variable.

405 "Cannot implicitly convert TrueFalse to String"

Whenever the code editor expects a text string expression and, instead, finds a true-false expression, it will highlight the true-false expression and display this message. In this ex ample, Condition1 is a true-false variable and cannot be directly combined with a string:

FileAppend("Output.txt", "This is a text string" + Condition1);

Instead, the following expression corrects the problem by creating a string value based on whether Condition1 is true or false:

Variable: txt(" ");


Condition1 Then
txt = "true"

txt = "false";


("Output.txt", "This is a text string" + txt);

406 "Cannot implicitly convert Numerical to String"    **

Whenever the code editor expects a text string expression and, instead, finds a numerical expression, it will highlight the numerical expression and will display this message.

For example:

FileAppend("Output.txt", "This is text" + Value1);

displays an error when a numeric expression is found. Instead, the following expression will accomplish the expected results because it uses the keyword NumToString() to convert a numerical expression to a string:

FileAppend("Output.txt", "This is text" + NumToStr(Value1, 2));

407 "Cannot implicitly convert TrueFalse to Numerical"

Whenever the code editor expects a numerical value and, instead, finds a true-false ex pression, it will highlight the expression and will display this message.

For example, the following statement will produce this error because the Condition1 value is a true-false variable and cannot be assigned to the numeric variable Value1 :

Value1 = Condition1;

408 "Cannot implicitly convert Numerical to TrueFalse"             **

Whenever the code editor expects a true/false expression and, instead, finds a numerical expression, it will highlight the numerical expression and will display this message. For example, the following statement produces an error because the reserved word Open is a numeric value and not a true/false expression:

Condition1 = Open;

Instead, assign the numeric value Open to the numeric variable Value1 :

Value1 = Open;

Or, change the statement such that it is a comparison. For example:

Condition1 = Open > Close;

Notice that while both Open and Close are numerical values, the result of the comparison is a true/false value, which is properly assigned to a true/false variable.

409 "String expression expected here"

This error is displayed whenever the code editor is expecting a string expression and, in stead, it finds a numeric or true-false expression. For example, this error will be displayed when writing information to a file with a FileAppend statement:

FileAppend("file.txt", Value1);

that includes the numeric expression Value1 instead of a text string. Numeric expressions can be converted to strings by using the NumToStr () keyword. For example:

FileAppend("file.txt", NumToStr(Value1, 2));

410 "Numerical expression expected here."

411 "This word only allowed in "EXTERNAL" defined DLL functions."

412 "The word "SELF" is required here."

413 "This word is not allowed in "EXTERNAL" defined DLL functions."

414 "Only NULL or 0 is allowed."

569 "Buy or Sell name within double quotes expected here."   **

When specifying the name of a trading signal, only a text string literal can be used, and it can't be substituted by a variable or an input. The following statements will generate this error:

Variable: txt("MySignal");
(txt) Next Bar at Market;

while the correct way of assigning a name to a signal is to use a literal string, such as:

Buy ("Signal Name") Next Bar at Market;


"Warning:  The expression uses logical operators AND and OR.  Use of parenthesis will ensure the expression is evaluated in a manner consistent with your intent.  Please consult the online help for information regarding a change made in 8.8 that affects evaluation of logical expressions."

Starting with TradeStation version 8.8 a change was made to the evaluation of logical expressions using certain combinations of AND and OR operators to correct a problem that caused evaluation of logical expressions to be incomplete or inconsistent.  It is recommended that you review logical expressions you created with prior versions of TradeStation and add parenthesis to ensure that they evaluate as you intended in older and newer versions of the platform.


Source: https://help.tradestation.com/09_01/tsdevhelp/el_editor/easylanguage_syntax_errors.htm

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