Make Cornell Great Again Go Fundme

Michael Johns gave the following speech, "Trumpism Can Brand America Great Once more," at the Cornell Political Union on Feb 14, 2017. He makes the example for President Trump's conservative, nationalist and populist insurgency against established political elites of both parties.  Unfortunately, the venue was invite-but every bit the University demanded thousands in security fees from the Cornell Political Spousal relationship to host Michael Johns. The outcome was likewise moved to a more clandestine location later realizing that authoritarian cultural Marxists were intent on preventing Mr. Johns from giving his speech communication.  Despite such efforts of secrecy, these agitators managed to find the location of the speaking consequence, and they shouted from outside the room on multiple occasions in an endeavour to terminate the speaking date. This thuggish beliefs violated the educatee code of conduct in regards to speaking engagements. Fortunately, the far-left extremists failed miserably in their attempt to silence Mr. Johns. The following is a transcript of his remarks:

Last time I was here was over a year ago when my son Michael was looking at Cornell. He loves this schoolhouse and this system—and anything he loves, I do likewise. So thanks to all of you for the piece of work yous exercise, the word y'all facilitate, and the important contribution you make to this smashing institution. Cornell is 1 of the earth's premier universities, and your intellectual curiosity and search for answers to our earth'south and nation's problems are a big contribution to that greatness.

On the drive up here this evening, I happened to meet how this academy describes itself on its Twitter feed. It'south a groovy description: "Teach tomorrow'south thought leaders to think otherwise and create knowledge with a public purpose." Tonight I'thousand going to exercise exactly that: I'chiliad going to endeavor to get you to think a little differently—to see what over sixty million Americans saw when they voted for Trump, and nosotros'll do all of this with the spirit that we'll use this cognition to serve the higher public purpose of enhancing the greatness of our nation, which requires of each subsequent American generation that they defend and continually better information technology for all Americans.

Nosotros have but undergone the closest affair to a revolution in American politics as one can have in our Constitutional Republic, and tonight I will try to explain it objectively. I will speak tonight not to the few of you lot here who may already back up Trump, nor those of you who consider yourselves conservatives or Republicans, but to the vast majority here tonight that I'thousand sure practice not. These are the facts and sentiments that led to an electoral outcome you no doubt did not desire and did non predict—but I'm convinced demand to empathise.

I come this night not to defend Trumpism, fifty-fifty though you will find no more passionate advocate for information technology. Literally since his announcement on June xvi, 2015, I defended him consistently on television, radio and in many forums—and I sought to defend or at least explain him to those prone not to hear or procedure his important message.

So I come up to Cornell tonight non to defend Trumpism just to explicate it.

For eight years and peradventure longer—the totality of your adult lives in fact, this nation was headed in a decidedly left of center and globalist direction. Under this recent administration, we saw the bug of other countries as inherently ones we were obligated to solve. In many cases, we even wrongly blamed ourselves for these problems. We entered into trade agreements that worked well for other nations but failed the American worker. We opened our nation to legal and illegal immigrants—and bent over backwards to adjust their needs, desires and cultures but never considered the impact nosotros were having on our citizens.

This created what Trump correctly labeled in his Republican Convention credence speech communication "the forgotten man and woman"—the working American whose economic plight worsened on the watch of Obama and whose country became less identifiable to him and her. And this past November 8, the "forgotten human being and woman" had seen enough—and their voice was heard loudly.

What inspired all this passion in these forgotten men and women?

Let me bargain tonight with facts:

Employment: All of you lot accept probably heard and followed the employment trends announced each calendar month and quarter by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. You heard, for instance, that unemployment under Obama seemed to exist stagnant, or even reduced. And it was always reported in single digits. In the final calendar month of Obama's presidency—December 2016—it was reportedly 4.ix percent, which seems not unreasonable.

Merely these numbers excluded the biggest story of American unemployment—the long-term unemployed and those who'd just given upwardly looking for work. While the brusk-term unemployment came down, it was only because many of those short-term unemployed Americans moved into the long-term category and ceased being reported in the principal BLS monthly survey number, which is really just a poll subject area to all the inaccuracies ane might see in whatever poll.

The employment reality in the country is actually much worse than reported. In fact, there has really been substantially aught job creation for native American citizens since 2000. The total number of Americans property a task increased v.vii percent from 2000 to 2014. Only if yous dorsum out jobs taken by legal and illegal immigrants, the number of Americans holding jobs actually decreased 17 million between 2000 and 2014. When the longer-term unemployed are included, the number of jobless Americans is not iv.9 percent. Information technology's at least nigh twice that—9.5 percent, and some believe considerably higher than even that.

Seldom reported in these routine "official" employment statistics was the fact that, under Obama, the number of Americans not in the labor force kept creeping upwards. In December 2016, this number of Americans not in the labor force reached an all-fourth dimension loftier: 95,102,000. That'due south nearly thirty percent of our entire nation. On Obama's watch, it's a fact that a bad employment state of affairs got even worse and that the "forgotten human and adult female" has been hurt and is hurting.

Economic growth: We starting time began formally recording the well-nigh important economical growth metric—gross domestic product growth—in the early 1930s. In the fourth dimension since, every President until Obama had at least 1 year under their leadership where the country's Gross domestic product grew by at least three percent. But in eight fiscal years under his management, Obama was the kickoff president since Gdp was first recorded to not have even i twelvemonth of three percent growth or higher. On economical growth, as with jobs, Washington has been failing the "forgotten human and woman."

Debt: On Obama's watch, our national debt doubled from $ten trillion to $xx trillion. This incremental, boosted $10 trillion in debt that Obama added literally exceeds the cumulative debt total of every U.S. President from Washington through George W. Bush. In his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama famously said that George W. Bush-league's contribution to the public debt was literally "unpatriotic" in his words. But Obama then went on to double it—all without ever retracting his "unpatriotic" annotate about Bush-league or questioning his own patriotism.

Taxes: Under Obama, our corporate tax charge per unit was—and still is–the highest in the adult world, which has made the U.S. an increasingly uncompetitive location to do business organization—and information technology showed equally company after company left during his and previous administrations. And despite Obama'due south entrada hope that he would but raise taxes on the rich, he increased them substantially on working Americans too, including with taxes associated with Obamacare and the penalty for non-enrollment. In fact, despite his campaign pledge, Obama increased over xx different taxes that specifically penalized and harmed the poor and working class American. On taxes likewise, the "forgotten human and woman" was both betrayed and forgotten.

Poverty: Obama ran for election in 2008 promising to lift upwards the nation's poor, and that'due south a goal we conservatives share too. It was a centerpiece of his campaign. Even so here as well, he failed by every significant metric. The nation's poverty rate was higher on Obama's departure than information technology was upon his arrival, increasing roughly 3.5 percentage on his watch. Real household income decreased 2.iii percent during his presidency. And under Obama, Americans' dependence on food stamps rose considerably—to an all-fourth dimension high of 47 1000000 Americans, or 13 million more than before Obama took function. Great lip service was paid to addressing poverty, but hither as well the "forgotten man and adult female" was left worse off.

Regulatory costs: Regulations too were no friend to the "forgotten man and woman." Obama imposed over 20,000 new regulations on the American economic system—many of them offering negligible value and all of them weighing heavily on working Americans, whose employers were forced to absorb over an astounding $700 billion in costs associated with these regulations, which harmed employment, harmed wages, made America less competitve, and ultimately harmed the "forgotten man and woman" considerably.

Home buying: Domicile ownership admittedly might be exaggerated equally an indicator of a nation's economical healthiness but it's certainly a metric that about want to see increasing. But like just almost every other indicator under Obama, information technology moved in the wrong management on Obama'southward lookout man, falling 5.half dozen pct during his eight years in the White House.

Wages: One of the nearly important metrics to the "forgotten man and woman," wages did non come fifty-fifty shut to keeping step with aggrandizement under Obama, specially in such important sectors such as housing, food and tuition. In fact, for roughly 35 years, as we ignored the "forgotten man and woman," wages in this nation have been outpaced by inflation, contributing to economic despair and anxieties for the "forgotten homo and woman."

Healthcare: When Obama ran for president in 2008, he told u.s.a. over and over once again most the 42 million Americans without health insurance—and as well most how he would fix this problem. And don't worry, he famously and repeatedly promised, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. And if you like your insurance, y'all can proceed your insurance."

Merely viii years later, at that place are still tens of millions of Americans without whatsoever health insurance—and for those who enrolled in the Obamacare program, which had to be passed, Nancy Pelosi said, so nosotros could know what was in information technology, information technology turned out to be a vast expansion of federal intrusion into Americans' healthcare and a plan that offered little real value to most since both its premiums and deductibles were cost prohibitive.

If Obamacare costs you roughly $5,000 a year in monthly premiums and the deductible is that or even more, tin y'all really say you're insured? For nigh Americans, Obamacare has proven a very costly catastrophic care plan that was nada every bit advertised. And opposite to what Obama promised, millions lost their health insurance and lost their doctors as the new coverage mandates forced employers to drop plans, and physicians left insurance plans that were paying lower allowables or proving unduly bureaucratic and fourth dimension-consuming from a claim filing perspective. Over again, the "forgotten man and adult female" was betrayed.

Legal and illegal clearing: This is a sensitive topic because we are all correctly taught that we should be inclusive to people, religions and cultures that are different from our own, and I agree that we should.

But it's also truthful that the mass legal and illegal immigration of the past few decades has shaken the fabric of many communities. Where English language was in one case spoken universally, it is at present spoken less so. I saw one public high schoolhouse recently where 22 languages were spoken. Accommodating these students who were not fluent in English had become the preoccupation of the school—and at the expense of basic learning.

And of form nosotros have all read of the other changes that have shaken the foundation of traditional American society. The busy Christmas tree that one time stood every December in the public square and was a source of community pride is now accounted offensive to some immigrants who pass up Christianity and want its symbolism removed from communities where it is has long stood. "Christmas break" must now be chosen "winter break." And the "forgotten homo and woman" is deemed "insensitive" if he or she is not welcoming to all aspects of foreign cultures, sometimes up to and including Sharia law that violates the very foundation of the American Constitution.

As millions of immigrants entered the U.South.—both legally and illegally–from seemingly every Third World nation of the world these past few decades, no one paused to ask the "forgotten man and woman" how they felt about it, or whether it was strengthening or dividing their communities and nation. The reality is that this mass immigration has driven upwardly unemployment, driven down wages as the labor pool has expanded but jobs accept non, encumbered public resources that were already heavily burdened, and been at the core of several brutal terrorist incidents and many, many criminal incidents.

To the "forgotten human and woman," it's difficult to empathise why we need more people in this nation when nosotros have nearly 100 million Americans not in the labor strength; our schools, highways, hospitals, welfare programs and other public resource are increasingly overcrowded or stretched thin, and when these many immigrants have arrived in the U.Due south. wholly unprepared and sometimes even unwilling to integrate into our nation. And there has been a substantial price to taxpayers from this mass immigration. Every bit of 2010, the price per illegal immigrant to American taxpayers was virtually $25,000 per illegal immigrant, including child welfare, teaching, and public infrastructure costs.

Then there'due south the effect of all of the associated crime committed by these illegal immigrants. I often hear that "not all illegal immigrants are criminals," which of course is untrue. The start thing they did upon inbound our nation was break our federal and state laws. Just many accept gone on to commit still more crimes, and many very serious felonies.

A few years agone, I was one of the first to write of the case of Josh Wilkerson, an 18-twelvemonth-old Texan who was beaten to death, strangled and set on fire by an illegal immigrant who had many times before been deported. When Josh's mother Laura cached her son, the mass immigration and open up borders advocates were nowhere to exist institute. She received no letter or condolences from Obama. She was, in so many means, the quintessential "forgotten American."

Nor are these one-off cases. In 2014, illegal immigrants were an estimated three.5 per centum of the total U.South. population only comprised 36.7 percent of all federal criminal sentences. That's an astonishing and alarming statistic—and once once again the victim is almost entirely the "forgotten homo and woman." The "forgotten man and woman" was victimized by the criminal offense in most cases. And the "forgotten human being and woman" is left with the burden of paying to incarcerate an illegal immigrant who never should accept been here in the first place.

And then in that location is the consequence of drugs. The porous southern border has become a primary entry point for some of the country's near harmful drugs, including heroin, Fentanyl and a wide range of opioids. As the children of the "forgotten man and woman" savage victim to addiction and overdoses, not one singular national political leader took action on the obvious first step in solving the crisis: Closing the open southern border through which about of these illegal drugs were inbound our nation. In fact, for thirty years at least, both parties in Washington take talked nigh securing our southern border, just they never did. It took Trump to answer this call from the "forgotten human being and woman" to have the hugely reasonable footstep of securing information technology. The chant "build that wall" heard at seemingly every Trump campaign rally in the 2016 presidential campaign was the chant of the "forgotten man and adult female" who had witnessed first hand the costs to our nation of inaction on securing our southern border.

Merchandise: In the early on 1990s, equally a foreign policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., I championed the North American Free Agreement, or NAFTA, as a trade agreement that would prove positive for both Mexico and the United States. Nosotros got information technology at least one-half right. Information technology clearly benefited Mexico, equally our merchandise deficit with Mexico expanded and whole companies picked upward and moved there. But the benefit to Americans was not a cyberspace positive. And this has been the case with American trade with just nearly every i of our largest trading partners the past few decades. We have shipped jobs and cash to nations of the world, and they have shipped the states appurtenances somewhat cheaper than nosotros may take produced them ourselves. It'south also true that trade does too create American jobs. Merely on the whole, considering our trading partners manipulate their currencies, fail to run into the regulatory standards and costs incurred in the U.Southward., and pay their workers essentially less, these trade agreements have largely been rigged from the beginning against the "forgotten man and woman."

Consider the staggering statistics of merchandise deficits with our largest trading partners:

China: $579 billion merchandise deficit.

Japan: $69 billion merchandise arrears.

Mexico: $63 billion merchandise deficit.

Every bit companies and manufacturers have left communities across this nation—and this is especially true in rust belt states similar Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and others—they left emptiness, hopelessness and desperation in their wake. Laid off by the divergence of these companies, the "forgotten human and woman" and their entire communities accept never since been quite the same. Drive through these states, and this fact is self-evident—and the "forgotten man and woman" will be more than happy to tell you all about it if you ask.

American strength in the World: Most Americans accept grown up in a nation where we take been seen globally as the world's leader. Most saw united states win the 45-year-long Common cold War without firing a shot. They heard Reagan say "tear down this wall" in 1987 and then watched information technology fall merely a few years later. Nearly Americans know well of how our appointment in World War 2 essentially saved the world. It is the view of almost Americans that America should non exist illogically engaged around the globe. Nor can or should nosotros seek to solve every world trouble. But American strength to protect itself and address the world's well-nigh serious crises until these by few years has never been much in question.

Over the concluding 8 years, however, the "forgotten man and woman" watched as our military was decimated and dismantled. They saw Obama characterization ISIS a "JV team," just to see ISIS keep to aggrandize its accomplish throughout Iraq, Syria and—through terrorist attacks—into the EU and U.S. itself. They saw Obama declare a "cerise line" in Syria designed to halt the humanitarian suffering in that region only to do nothing afterward information technology was violated. They saw several yard dandy Americans come dwelling from Iraq in body bags—sometimes only because their military equipment and manpower was deficient for the battlefield. They saw four Americans, including a U.Due south. ambassador, dice brutally and needlessly in Benghazi but considering saving them would have proven politically inconvenient to Obama's 2012 reelection. And they saw our enemies—Iran, North korea, and to some extent Russia—move aggressively and uncontested to aggrandize their own military might and global attain.

In fact, on Obama'south picket, the American military barbarous to its weakest state of readiness at any time in history since Globe State of war Ii. Our fighter aircraft are the oldest and our armada the smallest in a long period of time. For the first fourth dimension since Earth War 2, there was a period under Obama when we literally had not ane naval carrier at bounding main anywhere in the world. Our ship strength also roughshod on his watch. And our ability to confront a major threat to American security from a formidable enemy—much less our ability (should the need arise) to fight two conflicts at once—roughshod to its weakest point since Earth War Two. These were not oversights by Obama; they were part of a calculated policy of weakening America and thus leaving it more vulnerable than ever to aggression, terrorism and other security threats. Instead of building a military strength that was best suited to fight and win wars if necessary to defend American security and interests, the "forgotten human and adult female" watched on as the singular focus seemed to exist turning the American military into a politically correct social experiment.

Energy: At a time when we could and should have been substantially decreasing our dependence on foreign oil we purchase—much of it from nations that don't specially like us—Obama refused to develop the Keystone Pipeline, to expand drilling in the U.S. and its waters, and to substantially increase our development of petroleum, natural gas, clean coal and other free energy sources in our nation. In the meantime, Obama crippled the American free energy sector with extensive and prohibitive regulations that just deepened our reliance on energy resource from countries not then burdened. The "forgotten man and woman" looked on equally American free energy workers needlessly lost their jobs from these policies and equally the inability to utilize our domestic energy resources contributed to e'er higher energy prices.

Infrastructure: And finally, on the issue of our national infrastructure—our airports, train systems, interstate highways—Obama talked a big game about "shovel-set jobs" and allocated a lot toward these ends. But he has left office with our air, train, highway and other transportation systems in a state of unprecedented disrepair and certainly not competitive with other developed nations of the earth. Meanwhile, many American conservatives and Republicans—skeptical of government's ability to do much of anything well—offered no real solution to the trouble. Trump, of form, arose with a $i trillion infrastructure program and promised to make our infrastructure cutting border once again and do and so in a timely and cost-efficient style. It was a hope the "forgotten human being and woman" was waiting to hear.

All of this was the background and environment in which the 2016 presidential election took place. 1 candidate, Hillary Clinton, ran openly every bit a 3rd term extension of these negative trends. She refused to acknowledge almost whatsoever of these as major problems. In fact, she wanted more than of information technology—more refugees, more than illegal immigrants, more regulations in our economy, more government intrusion into health intendance, even higher taxes, more government, and a continuation of a failed national security and strange policy calendar that emboldened enemies, alienated allies and timidly refused to even utter the name of "radical Islamic terror."

Additionally, at a moment when Americans were seeking a more harmonious identity, Clinton instead continued the Obama agenda of identity politics. In seemingly every speech, she spoke of the women's vote. She spoke of the Hispanic vote. She spoke of the African-American vote. And she spoke of the gay vote. But at almost no time did she recognize what the "forgotten man and woman" believe—that the aspirations of Americans really do not vary by gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. We desire economic growth, chore cosmos, peace and security, practiced schools, safe communities. At a moment when the American people wanted a unifying message, Clinton could not bring herself to break with the identity politics on which her Democratic Party increasingly rests.

Trump was much more than astute. He saw that the typical American voter had seen enough of business organisation equally usual in Washington, D.C. He chosen out politicians and the dysfunctions they created and offered solutions to the trade, immigration and fiscal policies that were harming the "forgotten human and woman." He promised a rebuilding of American defenses, support for American law enforcement, revenue enhancement and regulatory cuts to stimulate our economy, the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, renegotiation of trade agreements in terms that would be fairer to American workers, an end to illegal immigration, and a commitment to protecting an American identity that ultimately defines all of us as Americans.

Some final comments on the significance of all of this: I believe Trump's ballot is precisely the sort of historic shift that the Republican Party needed if it were to survive every bit a national political force. If you expect at 2008 and 2012, it was clear that neither McCain nor Romney, nor the messages they communicated, spoke to what the "forgotten man and woman" wanted to hear. Their candidacies were doomed to fail.

But with Trumpism, the Republican Party tin once again say that information technology is in fact the political party of working Americans.

And this, I believe, ultimately points to the legacy of Obama—not but that he left the nation worse than he found it, but that on his spotter the Democratic Party was reduced to a small, far-left party with narrow appeal geographically and demographically.

The ultimate metric of Obama's legacy is non just all of the statistics I have cited this night. Information technology's this number: 1,030. That's the number of state government, gubernatorial and Congressional seats the Democrats lost on Obama's spotter as he ignored and argued with the "forgotten human and woman."

It'south true that Trumpism is shunned and misunderstood by mainstream media and at prestigious universities like the one at which we gather this night. Ultimately these institutions as well need to decide whether they wish to participate in the mainstream of American political soapbox, or, every bit was just the example with the Democratic Party, exist reduced to a small sideshow.

What'southward not misunderstood, notwithstanding, is that the "forgotten man and woman" has been heard loud and clear. And should Trump execute on the promises and commitments he's made, as I believe he will, the Republican Party and indeed this nation are going to be vastly better for it–and America will exist great again.

Michael Johns was White House speech communication-author for George H.Due west Bush. He is a co-founder and national leader of the U.S Tea Party motion. He is as well a former Heritage Foundation policy annotator. He was one of the very few national political figures who endorsed President Trump when he announced his candidacy on June, 16 2015. At the fourth dimension, President Trump was overwhelmingly expected to drop out of the presidential race within a few weeks.

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