Until I See You Again Vampure Knight

The episodes of the Vampire Knight anime adaptation is based on the manga series of the same name written by Matsuri Hino. They are directed by Kiyoko Sayama, and produced past Studio Deen and Nihon Advert Systems. The plot of the episodes follows Yuki Cantankerous, a student at the Cross Academy, where she acts equally a guardian of the "Mean solar day Class" along with vampire hunter Zero Kiryu from the secret vampires of the "Night Class" led by Kaname Kuran.

The first flavour premiered on Boob tube Tokyo in Japan on April 7, 2008, and ran for thirteen episodes until the season'due south conclusion on June xxx, 2008. The episodes were aired at later dates on Idiot box Aichi, TV Hokkaido, TV Osaka, TV Setōchi, and TVQ Kyushu Dissemination Co. The 2nd season, named Vampire Knight Guilty, premiered on the aforementioned station on Oct half dozen, 2008 and ran until its conclusion on December 29, 2008.[1] [two] As of Dec 2008, v DVD compilations of the first season have been released by Aniplex and Sony Pictures between July 23, 2008 and November 26, 2008.[three] The kickoff DVD compilation for the second flavor was released by Aniplex on Jan 28, 2009,[4] and the second compilation was released on February 25, 2009.[five]

The series is licensed past Viz Media, who is streaming episodes of their Viz Anime website and broadcasting dubbed episodes on their online network, Neon Aisle.[6]

Four pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: ii opening themes and 2 closing themes. The opening theme for the beginning flavor is "Futatsu no Kodō to Akai Tsumi" ( ふたつの鼓動と赤い罪 ) by On/Off, and the closing theme is "Still Doll" by Kanon Wakeshima. The opening theme of the second season is "Rinne Rondo" ( 輪廻-ロンド- ) by On/Off, and the ending theme is "Suna no Oshiro" ( 砂のお城 ) by Kanon Wakeshima. The original soundtrack for the series was released on June 25, 2008.[7]

Episode list [edit]

Vampire Knight (2008) [edit]

# Title Original airdate
01 "Night of Vampires"
Transcription: " Vanpaia no Naito " (Japanese: ヴァンパイアの夜)
April 7, 2008 (2008-04-07)
Yuki Cross recalls her primeval childhood memories, in which she was attacked by a vampire equally a little girl and saved by the Pureblood vampire Kaname Kuran. In the nowadays, she is now a teenager attending the high school campus of Cross University, a school founded by her adoptive father, Headmaster Kaien Cross, and she works equally a "Guardian" with vampire hunter Zero Kiryu to protect the humans of the "Mean solar day Class" from the vampires of the "Night Class", an arrangement created by Kaien to foster amend relations between vampires and humans. That evening, Yuki discovers a pair of male Night Class students, Hanabusa Aido and Akatsuki Kain, threatening to feed on a pair of female Day Course students. Yuki attempts to stop them, but for Hanabusa to drinkable some of her blood from a wound she got from climbing down a tree. They retreat only after Zero arrives and threatens them with his anti-vampire gun, Bloody Rose. Kaname takes Hanabusa and Akatsuki to Kaien for punishment while the female students' memory of the event is erased. Cleaning upwards for bed, Zero shows signs of vampirism by becoming enticed by the sight of Yuki's neck while she is drying her hair.
02 "Memories of Claret"
Transcription: " Chi no Memorī " (Japanese: 血の記憶)
April 14, 2008 (2008-04-xiv)
On St. Xocolatl Day, Yuki and Goose egg are forced to organize the exchanging of chocolates between the Twenty-four hour period Class and Night Course members, a process made difficult by the fact that well-nigh of members of the Day Class are enamored with members of the Night Class. After the Night Class students receive all their presents, Aught gives Yuki's present to Kaname, who takes her present after discarding all the other gifts he received. Zero is constantly tempted by Yuki'southward scent and he has to go somewhere away from Yuki to avert pain her. That evening, Zero is attacked by several Night Course students, including Hanabusa and Akatsuki, and they retreat afterwards realizing that attacking him would incur Kaname'due south anger. Afterwards, Yuki finds Zero in Kaien's bathroom, giving him a chocolate she made herself. Naught sees Yuki'due south neck and his vampire impulses start, only he leaves before annihilation happens. After Zip leaves, Yuki notices he had a blood tablet with him, disruptive her.
03 "The Fang of Repentance"
Transcription: " Zange no Fangu " (Japanese: 懺悔の牙)
April 21, 2008 (2008-04-21)
Kaien officially makes Yuki and Nothing the members of the Disciplinary Committee. Yuki and Zip are assigned to inspect the dorms for whatever banned items. Later on, Yuki discovers Nix has blood tablets, normally taken by the Night Form students to quench their thirst for blood, forcing Nothing flee to the nearby town. Post-obit Zero, Yuki encounters a young boy who leads her deeper into the town. Revealing that he is a vampire, the boy bites Yuki on the hand, and she is attacked by some other vampire. Both of the vampires are dispatched by Zero and Kaname, who reveals that they are Level E vampires, degenerate vampires consumed past their thirst for claret. On patrol that night, Yuki comes beyond Zero, telling him nigh how much she feared the Level Due east vampires. Catching the odor of Yuki'south blood, Zero is overcome past bloodlust and bites Yuki, drinking her blood. This makes Yuki realize Zero is a vampire.
04 "Trigger of Condemnation"
Transcription: " Danzai no Torigā " (Japanese: 断罪の銃爪)
Apr 28, 2008 (2008-04-28)
Arriving at the scene, Kaname approaches Zero, but Yuki collapses when she tries to calm him down, due to the lack of blood. Kaname tends to the bite marks Nix gave Yuki, and Kaien later explains that Zero's family was attacked by a Pureblood vampire named Shizuka Hio, who killed Zero's family and turned Zero into a vampire. But Pureblood vampires take the cursed ability to turn humans into vampires, so Yuki is in no danger from Zippo's bite. That evening, she overhears a conversation betwixt Kaname and Kaien discussing Null's transfer to the Night Class. Yuki goes to the Night Class dorms, simply to be briefly stopped by Hanabusa, in hopes to convince Kaname to cease the transfer. Kaname refuses, noting that Zero volition ultimately go a Level E vampire. Meanwhile, Cipher ponders shooting himself with his anti-vampire gun, just is stopped by Yuki. He begs her to kill him, but she refuses. He later attempts to run away from the school, and Yuki stops him again.
05 "Moonlight Festivities"
Transcription: " Gekka no Sabado " (Japanese: 月下の饗宴)
May v, 2008 (2008-05-05)
Kaien gives Yuki a protection bracelet that would stop Null if he attempts to bite her again. However, Zero also gives her an anti-vampire gun to kill him with should he lose his humanity. A new ideals teacher, Toga Yagari, joins the school, and in his offset class, Zero leaves. In the boondocks, a Level Eastward vampire attacks Yuki and Goose egg, and they are saved by Dark Class students Takuma Ichijo and Senri Shiki, who explain that they were hunting the Level Eastward vampires as part of their duties every bit noble-course vampires. Takuma invites Yuki and Zero to his birthday political party, in which Kaname explains to Yuki the continuing battle between vampires and vampire hunters. Nada leaves due to existence uncomfortable by the presence of so many vampires and having smelt Takuma'southward blood after his paw is sliced past a cake pocketknife. Yuki follows Zero, seeing that his body is rejecting the claret tablets, but he attempts to bite her. Unable to utilise the bracelet on Zero, Yuki pulls him into a pool and Zero manages to overcome his bloodlust. Yagari, revealing himself equally being a vampire hunter, shoots Cipher in the shoulder.
06 "Their Choices"
Transcription: " Karera no Kuraimu " (Japanese: 彼等の選択)
May 12, 2008 (2008-05-12)
Yagari explains that he is Cypher's instructor, and sacrificed 1 of his eyes to salvage Zero in the by. Equally Yagari prepares to kill Zero, Yuki shields him, which confuses Yagari, who believed Zero was a Level E vampire. Kaien arrives and convinces Yagari to leave. The following day, Nil is missing from grade and Yagari tells Yuki that he isolated Naught in Kaien's guest room. Yuki goes to Zip, and he describes a previous incident he had with a Level East vampire, before reluctantly accepting Yuki's offer to drink her claret. He warns her that he may shortly acquire a gustatory modality for her blood, but Yuki dismisses the warning. Later, Yuki meets Kaname, who realizes that Zip drank Yuki's claret. Yagari arrives and asks Kaname why he has not killed Zip. Kaname replies that he fears he would lose Yuki'south amore if he did so. The next solar day, Zero and Yagari are absent-minded from class, and Yuki finds Yagari pointing his gun at Null once more. As he pulls the trigger, Zero moves the gun away, finally deciding to live and fight against his vampiric urges once more. Before leaving, Yagari reveals this to be his motive all along and encourages Zero to struggle with all his life.
07 "The Cherry-red Maze"
Transcription: " Hiiro no Rabirinsu " (Japanese: 緋色の迷宮)
May nineteen, 2008 (2008-05-nineteen)
During his target exercise, Naught reveals that he can sense Yuki's feelings for Kaname through her blood, only to make Yuki angry for seeing inside of her. In a flashback, Yuki recalls when Kaien adopted her and that she was initially fearful of Kaname before condign close to him. When Kaien brought Zero into the household, he explained to Yuki that his unabridged family had been killed past a vampire. Zero was quite different from how he is at present back then, being tranquillity and keeping to himself. Soon subsequently, Kaien established the Cross University with the Day Class and Night Grade, which infuriated Zero. Later grade ane solar day, Yuki attempted to visit Kaname, and saw him drinking the blood of a female Night Class educatee named Ruka Souen, which causes a frightened Yuki to run away. In the nowadays, Zero finds Yuki asleep and is tempted to potable her blood. Kaname catches upward to Zero, explaining that he has kept Zero live all this fourth dimension only for Yuki's sake.
08 "Gunshot of Sorrow"
Transcription: " Nageki no Burasuto " (Japanese: 嘆きの銃声)
May 26, 2008 (2008-05-26)
Kaname refuses to leave his room, a determination that worries most of the Night Class students. Shortly afterwards, Takuma reveals that his grandfather Asato Ichijo, a fellow member of the Vampire Council, plans to visit the academy. Kaname leaves his room to greet Ichijo, who says he wants to drink Kaname's claret. Hanabusa and Ruka come up between Ichijo and Kaname, explaining that attempting to draw blood from a Pureblood vampire is taboo. Kaname hits Hanabusa for overstepping his authorization, and later declines Ruka's offer to drink her blood. Later, Ichijo tells Takuma to continue to serve Kaname just keep sentry on him. Yuki and Zero accept Ichijo to Kaien. The next morning, Kaien assigns Goose egg to chase downward a Level E vampire. Yuki follows him and learns that Senri and Rima Toya have been assigned by the Vampire Quango to hunt the aforementioned vampire. After Zippo ultimately kills the vampire, a girl who had been watching the incident through the optics of a crow, announces to a man beside her that she volition attend Cross University.
09 "Crimson Gaze"
Transcription: " Kurenai no Aizu " (Japanese: 紅の視線)
June ii, 2008 (2008-06-02)
Aught dreams about being cradled in Shizuka's arms. The Day Course students are excited over an upcoming ball, which they will attend with the Night Class students. Kaien asks Yuki to guide a transfer student to the Night Grade named Maria Kurenai. When Maria attends grade with the Dark Class students, they are surprised by her boldness towards Kaname, and Hanabusa becomes suspicious of Maria considering she is related to Shizuka. Maria encounters Yuki and Zero, who points his gun at her. Subsequently Yuki jumps in front of Maria, Zippo allows Maria to exit. Hanabusa voices his concern to Akatsuki well-nigh Maria being related to Shizuka. The next day, Maria runs effectually the schoolhouse during the mean solar day with Takuma giving chase. Yuki tries to assistance, but Zippo stops her and tells her to stay away from Maria. Hanabusa later talks to Goose egg, who asks if Maria has any connexion to Shizuka. Hanabusa reveals that Maria is related to Shizuka, and that Zero should know the answer improve than anyone, as he has a blood bond with Shizuka. That evening, Kaname lets Maria move into an old dorm that was used as the Moon Dormitory when it was first established. One time Maria moves into the dorm, she playfully pretends to bite her companion in her room.
10 "The Princess of Darkness"
Transcription: " Yami no Porisonā " (Japanese: 闇の姫)
June nine, 2008 (2008-06-09)
Zero remembers telling his twin blood brother Ichiru Kiryu to flee afterwards Shizuka'southward attack. Maria tries to touch Yuki, merely Zero pulls Yuki out of her attain. Goose egg begins to tutor Yuki in gild to help her with her exams, and Null reveals that Yuki is the only reason he is alive. Maria talks with Kaname, who knows that she is not Maria. Afterward, Zero goes to the old dorm while Yuki secretly follows him. He attempts to impale Maria, but is unable to pull the trigger because she is really his master, Shizuka in Maria'southward torso. She attacks him, causing him to pass out from claret loss. Kaname erases Yuki's retentivity of the incident, and Maria has her companion accept Zero away. The following day, Yagari is angry that Kaien allowed Maria in the school. Kaien comments that Kaname told him to acknowledge Maria and that the vampire world has its ain style of dealing with things. Kaname and Takuma visit Yuki to see if she remembers the events from the dark before. Later, Maria unlocks Yuki's retentiveness of Zero's fight and makes a deal with Yuki in order to save Zero from condign a Level East vampire. Meanwhile, Nothing recalls as a child that he discreetly sensed Shizuka as a vampire during the day when Ichiru was unaware of this. When Shizuka all of a sudden appeared at dark and attacked Zero's parents, Ichiru was standing next to Shizuka smiling. Aught awakens and greets Shizuka'south companion, who he knows is Ichiru.
11 "The Consequence of Desire"
Transcription: " Nozomi no Dīru " (Japanese: 望みの代償)
June 16, 2008 (2008-06-sixteen)
Ichiru reveals that he felt inferior and worthless in comparison to Cipher, and this led to him to ally with Shizuka. Ichiru attacks Nil and their fight is stopped by Yagari, who is then attacked past Ichiru, but Ichiru falls to the footing sending his sword into the air. Yagari jumps in between Ichiro's sword as it comes downwardly and his former educatee, resulting in Yagari being stabbed in the shoulder. Zero takes Yagari to Kaien, and Yagari tells Kaien that Ichiru has returned. Yuki recalls Maria's bargain to salvage Zilch, that being either to give Maria her claret or to bring her the expressionless body of Kaname. Yuki allows Zip to feed on her blood while mulling on Maria'due south deal. Kaname gives Yuki a ball gown, and they dance on the terrace during the ball. Yuki later accuses Kaname of treating her like a child, and Kaname claims that he simply wishes to protect her. Yuki leaves to talk with Maria, and Zero searches for Yuki. Meanwhile, Hanabusa and Akatsuki find Shizuka's real body encased in ice underground, and Seiren, another Night Form student, tells them that Kaname has ordered them to leave information technology lone.
12 "Vow of the Pureblood"
Transcription: " Junketsu no Puraido " (Japanese: 純血の誓い)
June 23, 2008 (2008-06-23)
Yuki tells Maria to drink her blood in exchange for saving Zip, but Yuki is caught off guard when Shizuka transfers her soul from Maria into her original body. When Zero arrives to stop her, Shizuka uses her voice to hogtie Nada to restrain Yuki, and he breaks the compulsion by shooting himself in the leg. Zero injures Shizuka, who leaves after Ichiru arrives. Ichiru begins to fight Zero, and Yuki stops their fight. Ichiru threatens to kill Yuki, and Zero points Encarmine Rose at Ichiru's head in response. However, Ichiru reveals that the gun cannot harm him, as Shizuka never inverse him into a vampire. Meanwhile, Yagari continues to argue with Kaien, who claims that he cannot interfere with vampire affairs under Kaname's jurisdiction. Shizuka goes to Kaname's erstwhile room, and he pierces her middle with his hand. Subsequently he drinks her blood, he vows to destroy their common enemy. Nothing tells Ichiru that the smell of blood is strong. Ichiru leaves and finds Shizuka barely live.
13 "Crimson Chains"
Transcription: " Shinku no Ringu " (Japanese: 深紅の鎖)
June xxx, 2008 (2008-06-30)
Equally Shizuka slowly dies at Ichiru'due south side, she recalls Ichiru visiting her body when she first took over Maria's trunk. Not wanting to turn him into a vampire, she tells him nearly her by date to a Pureblood vampire. She once turned a human into a vampire and became very fastened to him. Ichiru drinks Shizuka's blood before she turns to dust. Zero rushes into the room, and Ichiru relates the hatred Zero feels for him before he leaves. Zero collapses shortly afterwards due to his thirst for blood and is taken to a secluded hush-hush area by Yagari. Akatsuki arrives with Yuki. They come across Kaien standing in the room over the dust that utilise to exist Shizuka's body. He tells them that Zero was desperately injured, and he was taken to the medical clinic at the Hunters Clan. Afterward, Akatsuki tells Kaname that he believes that Zero killed Shizuka. Kaname acts sympathetic about Shizuka'due south death. This bothers Hanabusa greatly because he knows Kaname killed Shizuka. Hanabusa later explains to Akatsuki that the man Shizuka'southward fiancé was executed by Nil and Ichiru's parents because he was on the list of vampires to be executed by the Hunter'south Association, yet he had not fallen to Level E status. Meanwhile, Yuki asks Kaien about Zero'south status, and later confides her guilt about Zero'southward pain to Kaname. After, Kaname goes to Naught, who is on the verge to becoming Level E, and forces Zero to potable his claret to alleviate his madness, claiming that keeping him alive is for Yuki's sake.

Vampire Knight Guilty (2008) [edit]

# Title Original airdate
01 "Brunt of Sinners ~Guilty~"
Transcription: " Shukumei no Giruti " (Japanese: 宿命の罪人達)
October 6, 2008 (2008-10-06)
While separating the 24-hour interval Class students from the Nighttime Course students to let them to become to form, Yuki Cross accidentally calls Zero Kiryu as Kaname Kuran, which later disappoints him, as he has but returned from recovery. That evening, Maria Kurenai awakens and confuses Zero for Ichiru. She tells Zippo that Shizuka Hio was seeking the Pureblood vampire who inverse the execution listing of the Hunter'due south Association that resulted in the decease of her lover. Yuki is saved by Goose egg from a vampire sent by the Vampire Council in order to execute Cipher for supposedly killing Shizuka. Other vampires circle them gear up to attack, merely the Night Class students appear. Kaname orders the vampires to leave, stating that he does not want Cross Academy spoiled past foolish acts of vengeance. The vampires leave saying that they will report to the Vampire Council that Kaname is protecting Zero. When Kaname insinuates that Zero was the one who killed Shizuka, Yuki claims that she will not speak to him until he admits Zero is innocent. Later on, Null dreams near Shizuka, and awakens calling Yuki's proper name. When Yuki comes to condolement Zero, he stops himself from about kisses her.
02 "The Eternal Promise ~Paradox~"
Transcription: " Eien no Paradokkusu " (Japanese: 永遠の約束)
October xiii, 2008 (2008-10-13)
Yuki and her friend Sayori "Yori" Wakaba walk through the nearby boondocks and encounter a lost male child. Though Yuki offers to accept the male child dorsum to his parents, he takes her to an abased building and kisses her in gratitude, which knocks Yuki unconscious. Yuki awakens to discover Kaname watching her. Kaname tells Yuki not to leave the room, revealing that in that location is a political party for vampires in the building and that the boy she encountered is a vampire. Meanwhile, Zero has been assigned to oversee the party past the Hunter's Association. He encounters Ichiru, who became employed by the Vampire Council after Shizuka's death. The boy goes to Yuki's room to apologize, and Yuki follows him. She views the party as Kaname enters, and many parents offers their daughters in wedlock to Kaname. Yuki returns to her room, and Kaname comes in. Kaname, deciding to punish her, asks if she wants to be a vampire and live forever with him. Although she agrees, Kaname pulls away from her neck, revealing that his punishment to Yuki for leaving the room was taken too far. As Yuki meets up with Headmaster Kaien Cantankerous and Yori, snowfall begins to fall, reminding Yuki of the mean solar day she was saved by Kaname from a vampire when she was a child. Yuki and Zero return to guardian duty the next morning. As he passes past, Kaname tells Yuki that he knows she meant what she had said the night earlier, but she should not have it to heart.
03 "The Azure Portrait"
Transcription: " Ruridama no Mirāju " (Japanese: 瑠璃玉の肖像)
October 14, 2008 (2008-10-14)
The students of Cantankerous Academy go on break. Kaname, forth with Rima Toya, Ruka Souen, Akatsuki Kain and Takuma Ichijo, get to the Aido Villa. Nonetheless, Hanabusa Aido stays on campus and Senri Shiki goes to run across his lonely female parent dorsum home. In the Moon Dormitory, Hanabusa recalls Kaname killing Shizuka and so acting sympathetic. Yuki watches as Kaname and the others exit. On her way to the Sun Dormitory, she has a flashback and becomes scared. She encounters Hanabusa going into the boys section of the Sun Dormitory. He claims to take run abroad from his dorm Yuki and Zero take him to the Headmaster's private quarters. Zero cooks dinner for him to satisfy his large ambition. Yagari voices his concern most Nothing coming together Ichiru at the party. After hearing this, Kaien becomes worried that the Vampire Council approached the Hunter'southward Association with a deal. Meanwhile at the Aido Villa, Akatsuki searches through records of parties hosted past the Aido family unit, at the request of Hanabusa, to check if at that place is anyone who could hold a grudge confronting the Kuran family. Senri returns home and greets his mother, who tells Senri that he looks more than similar his father everyday and that he needs to visit his keen uncle. Later, Hanabusa takes a bath and recalls meeting Kaname when he was younger, noting the alter in his personality before and after Kaname's parents died by means of suicide. While cleaning upwardly, Yuki breaks a plate and cuts herself, telling Zero to drink her claret, a scene witnessed by Hanabusa. He returns to the Moon Dormitory and enters Kaname'south study room, where he realizes Kaname is planning something large. Yuki ponders if it would exist a skillful idea for Kaname to turn her into a vampire, but Naught says he would never let her become one, even if it means becoming Kaname's enemy.
04 "Devil'due south Awakening"
Transcription: " Akuma no Ribidō " (Japanese: 悪魔の胎動)
Oct 27, 2008 (2008-10-27)
Senri goes to see his smashing uncle, who takes him to a man immersed in a tub of claret. This homo, who is Senri's father, awakens and asks Senri to lend him his power. Seiren informs Kaname of this, prompting him to return to the academy. Meanwhile, Yuki struggles to think her by and has a hallucination of her bath beingness filled with blood. Cypher suggests that she await in the records of the Hunter's Clan for clues about her past. The two, along with Kaien and Yagari, travel to its headquarters, where Yuki discovers that Kaien was formerly a vampire hunter. Zero is confronted past the president of the Hunter'southward Association, who reveals that Zero can only relieve himself from becoming a Level Eastward vampire either by drinking a Pureblood vampire'due south blood or by reversing the "Cursed Twins". When Yuki finds the page of the book containing her past, it all of a sudden bursts into flames. That evening, Yuki is lonely in her room when she sees a hallucination of herself every bit a little girl appearing in her room. After Zilch talks to Kaien nearly the Cursed Twins, he goes upward to visit Yuki. Feeling upset nigh what happened, she cries in his arms all nighttime. Also that dark, Hanabusa confronts Kaname virtually his plans, and Kaname reveals that his parents were murdered, not having committed suicide. Takuma meets with his grandfather Asato Ichijo, who addresses Senri every bit his lord.
05 "The Subordinate's Trap"
Transcription: " Jūzoku no Torappu " (Japanese: 従属の罠)
Nov 3, 2008 (2008-xi-03)
Yuki continues to hallucinate that her surroundings are drenched in blood, and she is adamant to inquire Kaname about her past. Nil allows his twin brother Ichiru Kiryu to join the Day Course, and Kaien hopes that the brothers tin can repair their human relationship. During her night patrol, Yuki hallucinates that blood is on her hand and she inadvertently attacks Kaname, who and so comforts her and tells her that he loves her. Nix confronts Kaname about Yuki'due south memories. Kaname attacks Cypher and admits hating him because he does not fear or respect like a Pureblood vampire should. Afterwards smelling Yuki on Zero, Kaname claws at Zero'due south chest, causing him to loose blood. He forces Zero to drink his blood again to terminate his transformation into Level E and then Zero tin can keep to serve Yuki because he will not betray her. Every bit Zilch drinks Kaname's claret, he sees ane of Kaname'south memories. Zero encounters Hanabusa as he leaves the Moon Dormitory. Hanabusa lets him leave even though he knows that Zero drank Kaname's blood. Yuki resolves to talk with Kaname, and Kaname reveals that he is worried that Yuki will hate him when she learns the truth nearly her memories. She claims that she could never hate him. Kaname asks Yuki to become his lover to prove her devotion. She agrees, much to Zero's surprise.
06 "The Fake Lovers"
Transcription: " Itsuwari no Ravāzu " (Japanese: 偽りの恋人)
November 10, 2008 (2008-11-10)
Kaname orders some of the Nighttime Class students to guard Yuki after she has agreed to go his lover. Yuki begins to have nightmares and continues to see images of blood on everything she sees and touches. When she collapses from these images, she is taken to the infirmary, where Ichiru attempts to give her a vial of blood, and he is stopped past Hanabusa, who takes the vial. Later, Hanabusa gives the vial to Kaname, who destroys it. Yuki meets with Kaname, only she cannot enquire him any questions about her past due to the awkwardness of their meeting. Kaien invites Ichiru to dinner with Cypher, just Yuki brings upwardly that she saw Ichiru in the infirmary and thought he was Nothing. Zip's furious response to this causes Ichiru to leave. He tells Kaien that it is too late to cull a different path. Later, Ichiru tells Naught non to fall in dear with Yuki. Senri and Takuma return to the Moon Dormitory, and Rima realizes that someone is possessing Senri later on seeing that one of his eyes is colored red.
07 "The Buss of Thorns"
Transcription: " Ibara no Kisu " (Japanese: 茨の口づけ)
Nov 17, 2008 (2008-eleven-17)
Senri approaches Kaname, who knows that Senri is possessed past his uncle Rido Kuran. Kaname attacks Senri, but Takuma stops him, challenge that he will not allow Kaname to impairment Senri. Kaname interprets Takuma'southward deportment as he is siding with the Vampire Council. The other vampires detect Senri with Ichiru. Senri tells Ichiru to practise the job well and he will make his wish come true. Meanwhile, Takuma stands in his room looking at a physical casket. During class, Yuki has visions of a woman covered in blood and of a male child, who looks and sounds like Kaname. When Senri goes to run across Ruka Souen in her room in an attempt to seduce her, Akatsuki intervenes while Takuma asks Senri to render to his room. Takuma asks Akatsuki and Ruka non to tell Kaname virtually this. Yuki begs Kaname to answer questions about her by but she collapses in his arms after hallucinating again. Kaname takes Yuki to Kaien, who reveals that it is time for Yuki to exist awakened. Meanwhile, Ichiru goes upwardly to the concrete casket in Takuma'southward room and stomps on it, yelling for Yuki to awaken and give her blood to the monster in the casket. Yuki wakes upwardly in her bed and hallucinates that the room is covered in blood. When Zero comes into the room, Yuki involuntarily attempts to strangle him. After Nothing offers no resistance, he tells her that she needs Kaname more than she needs him. Kaname arrives and takes Yuki onto the roof of the edifice. He bites her, then he drinks his own blood, and transfers his blood to Yuki by kissing her. Zero arrives, misunderstanding that Kaname has turned Yuki into a vampire. However, Yuki reveals that Kaname is her older blood brother before fainting into Kaname's arms. Kaname then reveals that he is non her real older brother, though he wishes he were.
08 "Spiraling Recollections"
Transcription: " Tsuioku no Supairaru " (Japanese: 追憶の螺旋)
November 24, 2008 (2008-11-24)
Kaname tells Null that Yuki is a Pureblood daughter of the Kuran family, and asks him what he will practise because he hunts vampires. Kaname leaves with Yuki to Kaien's private quarters. Yuki starts to call up that her father Haruka Kuran died fighting Rido and that her mother Juri Kuran sacrificed herself to seal Yuki'south memories and vampire powers transforming her into a human. Kaname meets with Akatsuki and Hanabusa, and reveals that Yuki is both his sister and his fiancée. Upon enkindling, Yuki drinks Kaname's claret and sees the scene that had tormented Zero after he drank Kaname'due south claret. She is saddened that her parents sacrificed themselves to salve her and begins to cry. Yuki realizes that her parents were siblings, and Kaname reveals that they are engaged, though this fact appears to disgust Yuki as it is something only animals would do. Kaname orders the Nighttime Class students to keep the Day Form students in the Sun Dormitory. Meanwhile, Rima battles Senri and is seriously injured. However, she pleads to Senri to regain control of his body, and this disallows Rido from moving it. Yuki decides to talk to Null, and goes to the Lord's day Dormitory, despite Akatsuki and Hanabusa's pleas. When Yuki arrives at the door to Nil'due south room, she senses that Zero has pointed Bloody Rose at her.
09 "Revival of the Mad Emperor"
Transcription: " Fukkatsu no Enperā " (Japanese: 復活の狂王)
December 1, 2008 (2008-12-01)
Zero claims that can merely sense an arrogant Pureblood vampire on the other side of the door, and Yuki falsely responds that her homo self was eaten past her vampire side, merely her heart has remained unchanged. Equally Yuki leaves the Dominicus Dormitory, Hanabusa brings her shoes. He notices her tears, which it is unheard of to him for seeing Pureblood vampires cry, only she views that just being allowed to weep in her ain heart would be a punishment. Meanwhile, Kaname goes to where Rido's original trunk is kept, and asks Ichiru to open his casket. It really is a surprise for him to run across Ichiru, equally twins in vampire hunter families attempt to consume one another when they are in the womb. Kaname takes Ichiru's sword and stabs his hand to give Rido the necessary blood to revive. Every bit Kaname leaves, he reveals that he is the original member of the Kuran family, thus not related to Yuki as her older blood brother, and Rido summoned him from his sleep, rendering Kaname unable to kill Rido. Equally Kaien meets with Toga Yagari, Nothing arrives and asks Yagari to kill him, but Yagari refuses and leaves Zip in a prison cell, as Zero reminisces well-nigh what Yuki said to him.
ten "Prelude to the Battle"
Transcription: " Tatakai no Pureryūdo " (Japanese: 戦いの序曲)
December 8, 2008 (2008-12-08)
Yuki sees the sun for the first time as a vampire and returns to her room with Hanabusa. Meanwhile, the Twenty-four hours Class students are gathered for evacuation, but many of them are separately attacked by Rido'southward vampire servants, who are soon destroyed by the Night Class students. When Yori is attacked, Yuki and Hanabusa make it and defend her. Yuki's anti-vampire staff Artemis rejects her, but Hanabusa manages to kill the vampires. Even after learning that Yuki is a vampire, Yori all the same accepts Yuki equally her best friend. Yagari confronts the vampire hunters sent to take Zero and demands the president of the Hunter'southward Association to come himself. Hanabusa has Yuki rest in the room where Shizuka had stayed, in which she dreams of Shizuka expressing her love for Ichiru. After being awakened by Kaname, Yuki asks him to stay and defend her friends, but he refuses and asks her to stay in the room. After Kaname leaves, Yuki convinces Hanabusa to let her to get out and takes the anti-vampire gun that Zip had given her. As Zero sits in silence in the prison cell, Kaname arrives, claiming that Zero is the "knight" he has prepared for the past 4 years to kill Rido. He reveals that Zero has been strengthened past drinking the claret of the three Pureblood vampires and is the stronger twin kid of a vampire hunter. When Kaname tells Goose egg to kill Rido, Kaname reveals that Rido will hunt Yuki until he devours her and claims that Null will never beguile Yuki.
11 "Two Souls"
Transcription: " Futari no Raibuzu " (Japanese: 二人の命)
December 15, 2008 (2008-12-15)
Senri, at present recovered, visits Rima in her room to thank her for calling out for him to regain control of his body. Kaien is confronted past the president of the Hunter's Clan, who demands that Kaien should give him Nada. Kaien refuses and fights the president, forcing him to retreat. For their prophylactic, all the 24-hour interval Form students are held in the auditorium, but Yori continues to worry nearly Yuki. Ichiru arrives in the prison house jail cell and shoots Zilch with the Bloody Rose. Cipher recalls the close relationship he had with Ichiru when they were children and remembers Shizuka killing his parents. Before request Zip to consume him, Ichiru reveals that he was injured while attempting to impale Rido for Shizuka'due south sake considering Rido was the 1 who put Shizuka's lover on the vampire execution list. Pretending to dice from his wound, Ichiru succeeds in making Zippo consume his blood, so Goose egg can complete his vampire hunter powers to command his thirst for blood. Zero leaves the bell Ichiru kept as a memento of Shizuka in his brother's mitt before leaving the prison prison cell.
12 "Globe'south End"
Transcription: " Sekai no Piriodo " (Japanese: 世界の果て)
December 22, 2008 (2008-12-22)
Surrounded past his remaining servants, Rido drinks their blood and waits for Yuki to come to him. While the Dark Class students withal battle Rido's servants, Yagari fights the Level E vampires sent by the Hunter'due south Association. The president of the Hunter's Clan goes to Ichijo and asks for his blood to maintain his dazzler as his face up begins to crack and disintegrate. Ichijo kills him instead by breaking his neck, disgusted past his behaviour. Kaname goes to the meeting place of the Vampire Council and kills all of them except Ichijo, who manages to escape. As he leaves the building, Ichijo is confronted by Takuma, who uses his ownti-vampire sword to fight him and indicates that he intends for both of them to die fighting each other as atonement for betraying his best friend. Kaien arrives to fight the vampires sent by the Hunter'southward Clan, while Yuki and several Night Course students leave to fight Rido. When they attempt to fight Rido, he instantly paralyzes all of the Night Grade members and attempts to drink Yuki's blood. Despite Artemis rejecting her, Yuki'due south determination to protect all of the students allows her to wield it, transforming into a scythe to reverberate her vampiric nature. This amazes the Dark Class students every bit a Pureblood should non be able to wield an anti-vampire weapon. Zero arrives and prepares to kill Rido, merely he cannot control his new powers. Begging Yuki to slash him, Zip regains command after being injured past Artemis, then transforms Bloody Rose into a more powerful weapon.
13 "Vampire's Knight"
Transcription: " Vanpaia no Naito " (Japanese: ヴァンパイアの騎士)
Dec 29, 2008 (2008-12-29)
Using his new powers, Naught injures Rido with Bloody Rose, and Rido flees to the surrounding woods to drinkable the blood of his remaining servants to recover. Kaname fights Rido, but Zero and then kills Rido with Bloody Rose. Zilch turns the Encarmine Rose towards Kaname, but he does non kill him when he senses Yuki nearby. Kaname tells Yuki it will soon be time to get out. Meanwhile, the Nighttime Grade students recalls that before Kaname left to destroy the Vampire Council, he tells them that he has no further use of them. Despite this, they still vow to follow Kaname. Equally Zip says farewell to Yuki, he dares her to drink his blood to prove that she is a vampire. When doing so, she remembers when Zero told her that he could tell that she loved Kaname by her blood, learning that Zero had fallen in love with her. Even so, Zero, stating his function equally a vampire hunter, says that he will ultimately kill Yuki, who will be looking forward to their next encounter someday, despite this savage promise. Kaname questions Yuki if she truly wants to go out, even though Rido'due south threat has been eliminated. Yuki reminds Kaname that he is amid the people she wants to protect. After Yuki says bye to Kaien, she and Kaname leave the academy, forth with Akatsuki, Seiren, Hanabusa and Ruka. Senri and Rima find Takuma'due south blade in the rubble of the Vampire Council's estate with no sign of him, but they believe he is still alive and become searching for him, hoping for a advantage for returning his bract. Kaien, later on vowing to himself never to use his blade again, announces to the Day Course students in the auditorium that the danger has passed. Yagari ends up getting stuck with repairing the entrance gate that Kaien damaged during the boxing, surprisingly getting assistance from the other vampire hunters. As Yuki remembers the promise that Zero gave her, she says to herself she will be waiting for that day to come.

DVD releases [edit]

The Region 2 DVD compilations of the Vampire Knight episodes are released in Nippon past Aniplex and Sony Pictures. As of November 2008, 5 DVD compilations have been released, containing the entire first season.[3] The commencement DVD compilation for the 2d season was released on January 28, 2009, and the last was released on May 27, 2009.[8]

Season 1 – Vampire Knight
Book Date Discs Episodes
Volume 1 July 23, 2008[8] 1 1–2
Volume 2 August 27, 2008[8] i 3–5
Book 3 September 24, 2008[8] ane 6–8
Volume 4 October 22, 2008[8] 1 nine–11
Volume 5 November 26, 2008[8] 1 12–13
Season 2 – Vampire Knight Guilty
Volume Date Discs Episodes
Book 1 January 28, 2009[viii] i 1–two
Volume 2 February 25, 2009[8] 1 three–5
Book 3 March 25, 2009[eight] 1 6–8
Volume 4 April 22, 2009[viii] 1 9-11
Volume 5 May 27, 2009[8] 1 12–13

References [edit]

  • "List of Vampire Knight episode titles" (in Japanese). Hakusensha. Archived from the original on September 1, 2008. Retrieved 2015-11-08 .
  1. ^ "Vampire Knight second Season to Air in Japan in Oct". Anime News Network. Retrieved 2008-08-07 .
  2. ^ "Vampire Knight Guilty Sequel'south Promo Video Streamed". Anime News Network. 2008-08-26. Retrieved 2008-08-26 .
  3. ^ a b "Vampire Knight DVD" (in Japanese). Aniplex. Archived from the original on September 1, 2008. Retrieved 2015-xi-08 .
  4. ^ "ヴァンパイア騎士 Guilty 1" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2008-12-04 .
  5. ^ "ヴァンパイア騎士 Guilty 2" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2008-12-04 .
  6. ^ "VIZ: Hitting Anime – Naruto, Crewman Moon, Boruto and More than!". world wide web.viz.com.
  7. ^ "Vampire Knight Original Soundtrack" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2008-12-15 .
  8. ^ a b c d east f one thousand h i j chiliad ヴァンパイア騎士 (in Japanese). Aniplex. Retrieved 2010-05-07 .

External links [edit]

  • Official website for the anime (Archived) (in Japanese)
  • Official Television set Tokyo website for the anime (in Japanese)


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Vampire_Knight_episodes

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